The oldest tram stop in Moscow
Today we want to tell you about the oldest and unique tram stop in Moscow, about which few have heard. Some people argue that the pavilion was built in 1926, and others that almost 1886! Let us learn more about how there was her destiny.
By the way, on this route streetcar conductor Paustovsky worked, he often wrote in his memoirs, the beauty and ease of pavilions.
Before the war, there was a village. This view from the house №15 in the direction of the new highway. To the left of the house №3 Ivanoskomu lane. (now part of the street Oaks) - the former summer residence of the teacher Larisa Lyudvigovna LARM. On the right - the former summer residence (house №1 the lane) noblewoman - Maria Pavlovna Messner. Just right of center for the trees you can see the our stop!
Tepliy, the beginning of the 50s of the last century. Village)
The end of the 60s. The windows in the center of the already crammed with plywood and painted.
And before there were selling ice cream.
Stained-glass windows still intact side.
And then the pavilion burned down.
In the early 90s it was restored. From the old original building were metal columns and grill at the bottom. Everything else was somehow restored.
Today the pavilion here in this state. Besides lattice thereof, and the overall dimensions of the column, nothing reminds of former beauty.
The passenger waiting areas and opened the shoe repair stall.
All we remade for the convenience of new tenants.
Behind still have old items.
In the last year there are rumors that the pavilion and did want to carry. Mosgortrans easier to put here the usual stop than to restore a historic building.
By the way, there is one such hall, near the subway Voikovskaya, but it is even more terrible state.
In any normal city, this unique pavilion would be restored and proud of him. This is a unique monument of architecture of transport. On the other hand, sit Mosgortrans are people like you and me. They just do not care about history. How many pavilions as historical and cultural monuments destroyed in Moscow in recent years? I'm sure if tomorrow will come Krasnostudenchesky travel bulldozer and start smashing tram stop, no one will even notice. Well, several activists indignant Arhnadzora, write a few posts, bloggers and all will be forgotten in a week. And this indifference frustrating more than the possible destruction of this unique pavilion.
Source: zyalt.livejournal.com

By the way, on this route streetcar conductor Paustovsky worked, he often wrote in his memoirs, the beauty and ease of pavilions.

Before the war, there was a village. This view from the house №15 in the direction of the new highway. To the left of the house №3 Ivanoskomu lane. (now part of the street Oaks) - the former summer residence of the teacher Larisa Lyudvigovna LARM. On the right - the former summer residence (house №1 the lane) noblewoman - Maria Pavlovna Messner. Just right of center for the trees you can see the our stop!

Tepliy, the beginning of the 50s of the last century. Village)

The end of the 60s. The windows in the center of the already crammed with plywood and painted.

And before there were selling ice cream.

Stained-glass windows still intact side.

And then the pavilion burned down.

In the early 90s it was restored. From the old original building were metal columns and grill at the bottom. Everything else was somehow restored.

Today the pavilion here in this state. Besides lattice thereof, and the overall dimensions of the column, nothing reminds of former beauty.

The passenger waiting areas and opened the shoe repair stall.

All we remade for the convenience of new tenants.

Behind still have old items.

In the last year there are rumors that the pavilion and did want to carry. Mosgortrans easier to put here the usual stop than to restore a historic building.

By the way, there is one such hall, near the subway Voikovskaya, but it is even more terrible state.

In any normal city, this unique pavilion would be restored and proud of him. This is a unique monument of architecture of transport. On the other hand, sit Mosgortrans are people like you and me. They just do not care about history. How many pavilions as historical and cultural monuments destroyed in Moscow in recent years? I'm sure if tomorrow will come Krasnostudenchesky travel bulldozer and start smashing tram stop, no one will even notice. Well, several activists indignant Arhnadzora, write a few posts, bloggers and all will be forgotten in a week. And this indifference frustrating more than the possible destruction of this unique pavilion.
Source: zyalt.livejournal.com