The informal Store in New York

This New York punk shop sells everything your heart desires. from all kinds of dolls and sliders for tots finishing mannequins Pussy-Riot.

There is a very interesting situation in New York: American punk community (as well as Ronald McDonald, Teletubbies and Mickey Mouse) supports the Russian Pussy Riot, in a small informal shop Manhattan, owned by the Japanese (!). In New York, there is everything that you can imagine, and even that can not imagine not seeing ... I am absolutely not involved and, perhaps, not quite understand the meaning of the word "punk culture", but this place is at least surprising.

It sells things that creates a sick imagination, and, most importantly, there is always a lot of customers! And here it is impossible to photograph, so I took off to the first comment, and then a few more shots after the first notes :)

Where else to buy covers nipples in the form of hearts in just 15 bucks ?!

Sliders for young nonconformists blue hare:

The range of souvenirs. Different versions of the eye are combined with forage cap with Soviet badges:

And below is a sushi bar:



See also

New and interesting