Unconquered (Invictus)
Unconquered (Invictus) - the story of the film begins with the fall of the aparteila. When, who served 30 years in solitary prison cell, Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) poses the problem of South Africa national team to win the Rugby World Cup in 1995. Team, one white, there do not take blacks. And Mondela invites to his captain, Francois Pienaar (Matt Damon). Pienar makes a promise to win, and in the name of common goals, and white and negros, ignoring long-standing feud, achieve victory in the final, breaking with a long hegemony of New Zealand.
US 2009
Director: Clint Eastwood
Starring: Matt Damon, Morgan Freeman, and others.
Producers: Gary Barber, Roger Bernbaum, Clint Eastwood
Operator: Tom Stern
Writers: Anthony Pekem, John Carlin
Composer: -
Premiere: December 11, 2009
Budget: 50,000,000 $
Poster for the film
Stills from the film
US 2009
Director: Clint Eastwood
Starring: Matt Damon, Morgan Freeman, and others.
Producers: Gary Barber, Roger Bernbaum, Clint Eastwood
Operator: Tom Stern
Writers: Anthony Pekem, John Carlin
Composer: -
Premiere: December 11, 2009
Budget: 50,000,000 $
Poster for the film
Stills from the film