Coming RPG attack on the European continent
Japanese company Nippon Ichi Software announced that RPG for the PlayStation 3, called the Last Rebellion, will soon have a relative and on the European continent.
On the role of the publisher of the "European wilderness" was elected the company Tecmo Koei. Why is off the beaten path? Yes, because Europe finds out about the latest updates in the market of computer games, especially when it comes to developers from Asia.
So, officially, Last Rebellion will be released in Japan on January 28 this year. Then it will be all the US (February), and only a month after the state, this game will appear on the shelves of European shops (12 March).
And now, let us remember all the expected release of computer games in the genre of RPG: The property itself Last Rebellion, Star Ocean 4: International, Resonance of Fate, Final Fantasy XIII, and finally White Knight Chronicles. It is difficult to say what is connected with such activity in the segment of RPG. Maybe just a coincidence? Or is it a tough competition?

On the role of the publisher of the "European wilderness" was elected the company Tecmo Koei. Why is off the beaten path? Yes, because Europe finds out about the latest updates in the market of computer games, especially when it comes to developers from Asia.

So, officially, Last Rebellion will be released in Japan on January 28 this year. Then it will be all the US (February), and only a month after the state, this game will appear on the shelves of European shops (12 March).

And now, let us remember all the expected release of computer games in the genre of RPG: The property itself Last Rebellion, Star Ocean 4: International, Resonance of Fate, Final Fantasy XIII, and finally White Knight Chronicles. It is difficult to say what is connected with such activity in the segment of RPG. Maybe just a coincidence? Or is it a tough competition?