"Yogi Bear» (Yogi Bear)
Two cheerful and mischievous bear, Yogi (Dan Aykroyd) and Boo Boo (Justin Timberlake), a good idea took root in Dzhellistounskom holiday park for residents. Trying to feed themselves, they are using small tricks are constantly borrowed from holidaymakers food and drink. Over the pranks they lazily drove through the park Ranger Smith (Thomas Kevena). And, apparently, all this life happy, but only for the time being. As soon at the park began in serious trouble. Dzhelloustoun ceased to be profitable and Brown (Andrew Daly), the mayor of the town, which belonged to the forest park, decided to close the forest recreation area, and sell the land. And when the feeling came close on the sale of land already excites consciousness greedy Mayor Brown (Andrew Daly), for the salvation of his house he took up yoga. Showing miracles of courage and ingenuity, Yogi and Boo Boo, with the full support Ranger Smith, begin hostilities against Mayor Brown.
Yogi Bear (Yogi Bear), USA, New Zealand
Director: Eric Brevig
Cast: Dan Aykroyd, Justin Timberlake, Anna Faris, Kevena Thomas Andrew Daly et al.
Producer: Lee Berger, Tim Coddington, Donald De Line
Operator: Peter James
Screenwriter: Jeffrey Ventimiglia, Joshua Sternin, Brad Copeland
Composer: John Debney
Premiere (World): December 17, 2010
Premiere (RF): December 30, 2010
Posters for the film:
Yogi Bear (Yogi Bear), USA, New Zealand
Director: Eric Brevig
Cast: Dan Aykroyd, Justin Timberlake, Anna Faris, Kevena Thomas Andrew Daly et al.
Producer: Lee Berger, Tim Coddington, Donald De Line
Operator: Peter James
Screenwriter: Jeffrey Ventimiglia, Joshua Sternin, Brad Copeland
Composer: John Debney
Premiere (World): December 17, 2010
Premiere (RF): December 30, 2010
Posters for the film:
Champions League. The results of the group stage. Groups A and B
Natalie Portman (Natalie Portman) and director Darren Aronofsky (Darren Aronofsky) of the movie "Black Swan» (Black Swan)