China 1946 in Dmitri Kessel photos
Ukrainian Jew, born in the family of a wealthy landowner, and fled to the US in 1923, was in China immediately after the Second World War, making several hundreds of color photographs for one year.
First photos of Dmitry did at the age of fourteen years, still living in Ukraine, it was then that his father gave him his first camera. Later, having lived in America for over ten years, Kessel graduated from high school photographers and bought his first machine on their own earned money. It was a 35mm camera company «Leica». More than sixty years, Dmitry worked fotokorresponentom, including during the Second World War. Immediately upon its completion, he spent a year in China, causing then published the book "Life in 1946". We already showed you to China at the turn of XIX-XX centuries. Now, we demonstrate another milestone history.
Photo by Life
First photos of Dmitry did at the age of fourteen years, still living in Ukraine, it was then that his father gave him his first camera. Later, having lived in America for over ten years, Kessel graduated from high school photographers and bought his first machine on their own earned money. It was a 35mm camera company «Leica». More than sixty years, Dmitry worked fotokorresponentom, including during the Second World War. Immediately upon its completion, he spent a year in China, causing then published the book "Life in 1946". We already showed you to China at the turn of XIX-XX centuries. Now, we demonstrate another milestone history.

Photo by Life