Unusual money (14 photos)
We used to see the money in the form of banknotes and coins.
Throughout history, there were other forms of payment.
It could be stones, sticks, metal, geometric shapes and other strange things.
Rai stones
In Micronesia, Yap Island stones Rai are legal tender. These coins are large limestone discs with a diameter of 1, 5 - 6 meters to the hole in the middle. The cost of the stone depends on the size, weight, and how many people were killed, to move such a stone.
Coins Africa: Kissi money
In some parts of West Africa until the 20th century were used twisted iron rods 33-36 cm long with the letter "T" on one end and a spatula on a different form. They were called the money Kissi Kissi or a penny-and often used during the burial ceremony. They are often used chords. For example, a cow was worth 100 bundles of 20 sticks.
The biggest coin
Canadian coin 1 million Canadian dollars, which weighs 100 kg, and 99, 9 percent consists of pure gold coin is considered the biggest in the world until 2011.
At the end of October 2011, Australia introduced the largest gold coin in the world. A huge coin issued by the Mint Perth weighs more than a ton of pure gold. Its thickness - 12 cm, diameter - 80 cm.
The smallest coin
Historically, the smallest coin is a silver quarter Tara Vijayanagara in India, diameter - 4 mm which weighs just 1 gram of 7.
The smallest commemorative coin
And in 2012 in the UK have created the smallest diamond coin with the image of Queen Elizabeth II in honor of the Diamond Jubilee. Its diameter of only 750 nanometers (1 nanometer - is one billionth of a meter)
Unusual geometric money
These so-called coin are three-dimensional geometric shape of the cone (water), pyramid (fire), the ball (earth), the cylinder (the tree), and Cuba (metal).
Somalia is also famous for other unusual coins in the form of cars, motorcycles and guitars.
Rare Coins of the fiber
Yuan Makchzhou th are legal tender in Japan in the occupied territory of Manchuria. In 1944-45 because of the war metal stocks fell sharply, and coins of 1 and 5 fen made of red and brown material similar to cardboard.
Wooden money
The money was in circulation in the city of Moose Jaw in Canada. They were produced in the period after the First World War, when the metal was so rare that in the cities of the issue currency of the available material, including wood plank.
Rare coin talking
On Mongolian coin nominal value of MNT 500, one side of which depicts US President John F. Kennedy, there is a small button that, when clicked, to hear President historic phrase: "I am proud that I am a Berliner!»
Silver coin with holy water
One of the smallest countries in the world - an island nation of Palau in 2007 released an unusual coin - a silver dollar featuring the Virgin Mary with a tiny bottle containing the holy water from the holy place in Lourdes, France.
Space Money
This currency is not used in the world, and has been designed for space tourists. It was created by researchers from the National Space Centre and the University of Leicester and was named Quid (from Eng. Quasi Universal Intergalactic Denomination - a quasi-universal intergalactic denomination). These round coins made of heavy-duty plastic with images of planets in the solar system can withstand the load space and have a high degree of protection.
Source: pif.livejournal.com Random page
Throughout history, there were other forms of payment.
It could be stones, sticks, metal, geometric shapes and other strange things.
Rai stones

In Micronesia, Yap Island stones Rai are legal tender. These coins are large limestone discs with a diameter of 1, 5 - 6 meters to the hole in the middle. The cost of the stone depends on the size, weight, and how many people were killed, to move such a stone.
Coins Africa: Kissi money

In some parts of West Africa until the 20th century were used twisted iron rods 33-36 cm long with the letter "T" on one end and a spatula on a different form. They were called the money Kissi Kissi or a penny-and often used during the burial ceremony. They are often used chords. For example, a cow was worth 100 bundles of 20 sticks.
The biggest coin

Canadian coin 1 million Canadian dollars, which weighs 100 kg, and 99, 9 percent consists of pure gold coin is considered the biggest in the world until 2011.

At the end of October 2011, Australia introduced the largest gold coin in the world. A huge coin issued by the Mint Perth weighs more than a ton of pure gold. Its thickness - 12 cm, diameter - 80 cm.
The smallest coin

Historically, the smallest coin is a silver quarter Tara Vijayanagara in India, diameter - 4 mm which weighs just 1 gram of 7.
The smallest commemorative coin

And in 2012 in the UK have created the smallest diamond coin with the image of Queen Elizabeth II in honor of the Diamond Jubilee. Its diameter of only 750 nanometers (1 nanometer - is one billionth of a meter)
Unusual geometric money

These so-called coin are three-dimensional geometric shape of the cone (water), pyramid (fire), the ball (earth), the cylinder (the tree), and Cuba (metal).
Somalia is also famous for other unusual coins in the form of cars, motorcycles and guitars.

Rare Coins of the fiber

Yuan Makchzhou th are legal tender in Japan in the occupied territory of Manchuria. In 1944-45 because of the war metal stocks fell sharply, and coins of 1 and 5 fen made of red and brown material similar to cardboard.
Wooden money

The money was in circulation in the city of Moose Jaw in Canada. They were produced in the period after the First World War, when the metal was so rare that in the cities of the issue currency of the available material, including wood plank.
Rare coin talking

On Mongolian coin nominal value of MNT 500, one side of which depicts US President John F. Kennedy, there is a small button that, when clicked, to hear President historic phrase: "I am proud that I am a Berliner!»
Silver coin with holy water

One of the smallest countries in the world - an island nation of Palau in 2007 released an unusual coin - a silver dollar featuring the Virgin Mary with a tiny bottle containing the holy water from the holy place in Lourdes, France.
Space Money

This currency is not used in the world, and has been designed for space tourists. It was created by researchers from the National Space Centre and the University of Leicester and was named Quid (from Eng. Quasi Universal Intergalactic Denomination - a quasi-universal intergalactic denomination). These round coins made of heavy-duty plastic with images of planets in the solar system can withstand the load space and have a high degree of protection.
Source: pif.livejournal.com Random page