Cityscapes Kustush Lindsay (Lindsey Kustusch)
Somewhere between the intricacies of wires, asphalt grit on the soles, scarlet sunrises sunsets-in smog, and bustling people are hiding our feelings toward the city which takes American and simply passes in his paintings.
Family, and at the same time beloved city for Kustush Lindsey (Lindsey Kustusch) is San Francisco. In the words of the artist herself, she does not cease to admire the palette of diversity of the city. Each walk leaves her, a special impression that Lindsay simply can not be displayed on the canvas. American work distinguishes incredible rich bold strokes and restraint in colors that, nevertheless, fully conveys the full flavor of the time and place.
Family, and at the same time beloved city for Kustush Lindsey (Lindsey Kustusch) is San Francisco. In the words of the artist herself, she does not cease to admire the palette of diversity of the city. Each walk leaves her, a special impression that Lindsay simply can not be displayed on the canvas. American work distinguishes incredible rich bold strokes and restraint in colors that, nevertheless, fully conveys the full flavor of the time and place.