Multi-colored volcanic lake
The volcano, located approximately in the middle of the Indonesian island of Flores, is perhaps the main attraction of the island. The main feature of the volcano - three lakes in the craters, constantly changing color.
Kelimutu volcano rises to 1,639 meters above sea level. Its last eruption was more than forty years ago. According to legend, the locals when someone dies, he rises to the crater and disappears into the depths of the lake. The darker the lake, the greater the dissatisfaction of the dead. All three lakes have unusual names: old lake, Lake boys and girls, as well as a magic lake. In fact, ponds full of themselves in various minerals, which leads to a permanent change in the color of the water. The color can be black to red-brown and from turquoise to rich green.
Kelimutu volcano rises to 1,639 meters above sea level. Its last eruption was more than forty years ago. According to legend, the locals when someone dies, he rises to the crater and disappears into the depths of the lake. The darker the lake, the greater the dissatisfaction of the dead. All three lakes have unusual names: old lake, Lake boys and girls, as well as a magic lake. In fact, ponds full of themselves in various minerals, which leads to a permanent change in the color of the water. The color can be black to red-brown and from turquoise to rich green.