The ancient castle Tulo in Fujian
These unique structures called Tulo, began to appear in the Tang Dynasty, in the X-th century, when representatives of ethnic Hakka were forced to migrate to the southern part of China and defend against the local population.
This Tulo was built in the twelfth century. It represents four circular shape and construction of several square. In fact, the construction of a fortress, which has only one entrance. The main fortress wall was built from a mixture of bamboo, earth, stone, granite, wood and other materials at hand. Until the middle of the last century, these buildings were used for its intended purpose. This year there will be five years since the introduction of 46 Tulo in the list of protected sites by UNESCO.
This Tulo was built in the twelfth century. It represents four circular shape and construction of several square. In fact, the construction of a fortress, which has only one entrance. The main fortress wall was built from a mixture of bamboo, earth, stone, granite, wood and other materials at hand. Until the middle of the last century, these buildings were used for its intended purpose. This year there will be five years since the introduction of 46 Tulo in the list of protected sites by UNESCO.