Unusual Internet pirates
Intelligence agencies of many countries for many years struggling with piracy of music, movies and computer video games. In most cases, this process is very successful, but in America there is a pirate who is proud of the whole country and its security services almost touch.
Mr. Strachman from the US to 92 years engaged in real piracy of movies.
It downloads from torrent trackers huge number of films, records them to DVD-discs and sends its customers by mail. So for all the 10 years of the unusual lesson he has created more than 400,000 CDs, the most popular of which were "The Hangover -1" and "Gran Torino».
At the same time, he does not sell them on the streets of his native city, or through the Internet. It fulfills the mission of the charity. All disks it sends US soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it is absolutely free!
Mr. Strachman discs recorded on home desktop, without any special software. The truth had to spend $ 400 on a device that can record up to 7 drives simultaneously. Retired own money to buy CDs, the Internet and pays for all postage costs.
This unusual activity Mr. Strachmana emerged suddenly, in the distant 2003, after the death of his wife. He is generally regarded as the various sites on the Internet and came across information about how the US Armed Forces soldiers complained about the lack of new films in a foreign land. So was born the idea of a pensioner to help them, and it became quite successfully engaged in "pirate" production. Soldiers every day sent him many letters of thanks and wishes.
Film companies themselves are not particularly favor is employed Americans, but he did not openly oppose, because they realize that an enterprising person creates a great moral and informational support to the defenders of their homeland. But it's worth it!
Source: operationyellowelephant.blogspot.ru

Mr. Strachman from the US to 92 years engaged in real piracy of movies.

It downloads from torrent trackers huge number of films, records them to DVD-discs and sends its customers by mail. So for all the 10 years of the unusual lesson he has created more than 400,000 CDs, the most popular of which were "The Hangover -1" and "Gran Torino».
At the same time, he does not sell them on the streets of his native city, or through the Internet. It fulfills the mission of the charity. All disks it sends US soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it is absolutely free!

Mr. Strachman discs recorded on home desktop, without any special software. The truth had to spend $ 400 on a device that can record up to 7 drives simultaneously. Retired own money to buy CDs, the Internet and pays for all postage costs.

This unusual activity Mr. Strachmana emerged suddenly, in the distant 2003, after the death of his wife. He is generally regarded as the various sites on the Internet and came across information about how the US Armed Forces soldiers complained about the lack of new films in a foreign land. So was born the idea of a pensioner to help them, and it became quite successfully engaged in "pirate" production. Soldiers every day sent him many letters of thanks and wishes.

Film companies themselves are not particularly favor is employed Americans, but he did not openly oppose, because they realize that an enterprising person creates a great moral and informational support to the defenders of their homeland. But it's worth it!
Source: operationyellowelephant.blogspot.ru