Yankee Buccaneer
Here is a wonderful grandfather, who in '92 and who knowingly reproduce pirated movie discs and is not shy about his craft. It downloads torrents pirated movies, burn them onto DVD-discs and sends the mail. Over 8 years of piracy grandfather made copies and sent more than 300, 000 CDs! The most popular films, as he admitted, were "The Hangover" and "Gran Torino! .. My name is Mr. Strachman pirate, he is not hiding, but nobody touched him. And all because of its production of pirated discs, he sends US soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and completely free.
All Disc Duplication grandfather spends at home, a few converted for these purposes a home computer, there is no special equipment. Recently spent $ 400 on a duplicator that makes 7 copies of discs at a time. For my money buying boxes for CDs and discs, postage paid by the same. It should be noted that the transfer to the other end of the globe cost a pretty penny.
During the February 2013 Strachman made pirated copies and mailed 1, 100 films. It's not enough, he says. In the best years managed to send about 80, 000 drives for 12 months.
The history of its fishing began with the fact that in 2003, after the death of his wife on one of the sites he found a section where the soldiers of the hotspots wrote about what they lack in a foreign land. And one of the first places were just the latest movies. Understandable, since theaters in Iraq and Afghanistan with no premieres. And before the license disks innovations often have to wait more than six months!
Now my grandfather was a real legend. Soldiers send him a heap of letters with words of gratitude, send your photos, souvenirs. Film studios not very happy with this state of affairs. They grumble and grandfather called a criminal. However, afraid to declare it openly, so as an official commented that his grandfather grateful for the fact that it supports soldiers in distant countries.

All Disc Duplication grandfather spends at home, a few converted for these purposes a home computer, there is no special equipment. Recently spent $ 400 on a duplicator that makes 7 copies of discs at a time. For my money buying boxes for CDs and discs, postage paid by the same. It should be noted that the transfer to the other end of the globe cost a pretty penny.
During the February 2013 Strachman made pirated copies and mailed 1, 100 films. It's not enough, he says. In the best years managed to send about 80, 000 drives for 12 months.
The history of its fishing began with the fact that in 2003, after the death of his wife on one of the sites he found a section where the soldiers of the hotspots wrote about what they lack in a foreign land. And one of the first places were just the latest movies. Understandable, since theaters in Iraq and Afghanistan with no premieres. And before the license disks innovations often have to wait more than six months!

Now my grandfather was a real legend. Soldiers send him a heap of letters with words of gratitude, send your photos, souvenirs. Film studios not very happy with this state of affairs. They grumble and grandfather called a criminal. However, afraid to declare it openly, so as an official commented that his grandfather grateful for the fact that it supports soldiers in distant countries.

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41-year-old Stanley Kolorayt is the owner of the collection of Barbie dolls