Prime Minister - the taxi driver
Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg in June, one day secretly worked as a driver
Taxi in Oslo.
According to the official, so he wanted to communicate directly with their constituents. According to him, "taxi - one of the few places where people genuinely share their views».
Prime Minister form a taxi driver and put sunglasses and revealed his identity only in cases where the passengers managed to find it.
According to Stoltenberg, he sat behind the wheel of a car for the first time in eight years. "I am quite well aware of Oslo, but usually sit in the back seat," - said the politician. No serious accidents involving taxis did not happen. However, during one of his trips passengers criticized the prime minister for what he mistakenly stepped on the brake pedal, thinking it was the clutch.
What is happening in the car hidden camera filmed. Its cadres to be used during the election campaign. Some of them were published on August 11 page policy in Facebook.