Protest action

Emergency situation has developed in Kachanovsky colony, where he is serving a term disgraced Tymoshenko. Once in jail Tymoshenko got photos in which she looked terribly haggard and without his indispensable accessory - Spit (in the sense of the hair on his head), more than three hundred prisoners in protest announced indefinite grazing. Because nobody hunger strikes will not catch, was elected an alternative. Prisoners require reducing sentences, improve conditions and release the former prime minister.
Just a few hours were eaten all supplies. And while handing out prison food additives protesters demanded.
Tymoshenko could not stay away from such an action. Her colleagues gave the colony chisburgerov two thousand, two hundred cans of condensed milk and baking poltsentnera. People overeat fourth day. The prison said in an interview that many are in serious condition - headaches, colic, nausea, vomiting regularly.
After learning about the incident, the company "Forte" has decided to support the protesters and sent thousands of packages "Mezim Forte»
The Group is currently looking for a compromise to resolve the conflict.