9 of the rules of Confucius

1. Maintain a constant movement towards its goal.
It does not matter how slow you move, but the motion should be constant, do not stop. And if you're going in the right direction, you will reach your destination.
2. sharpen their tools.
If you want to achieve, you need to take into account changing circumstances and conditions, constantly learn, acquire new skills and develop the necessary - and this will lead to success. This is an important rule of Confucius, people often overlook.
3. Adjust the methods to achieve the goal, but not the goal itself.
If you feel that the goal is correct, but becomes unreachable, no need to change the goal, it is necessary to adjust the methods of achieving it. In other words, you need to find other ways to achieve the goals that will be effective at this step of the way.
4. Do the best to do well.
Whatever you do, do it well, qualitatively, with love - as possible. Making the best of what you can, you will not be sorry. Confucius says: "Wherever you go, there follow all your heart."
5. Your environment will determine your future.
Man is largely dependent on its environment, which significantly affects the system of values and worldview, and thus the future of man. Confucius recommends not to do business with people who do not engage in self-improvement. Such people are "frozen" in its development, and will only slow down your path to success and achievement of the objectives.
6. Good things are expensive.
All the best, what can be achieved in this world, requires a lot of effort, work on yourself. But it's worth it. Confucius said that the outside world - a reflection of our inner world, so if we want to make the outside world better, we must deal with them to develop their best qualities. Work on yourself - it is an integral part of the success in achieving any purpose.
7. Resentment is destructive.
That radiate, and then attract. Radiating negative, we can not draw a positive, as it is against the laws of life. Leave offense in the past, release them, and move you to success and happiness is significantly faster.
8. Always be aware of the consequences.
Anger disables intelligence, sanity. Under the influence of emotions people doing silly things that can slow it down and move the spiritual development goal. The ability to control their emotions - is the key to success in achieving its goals.
9. Each may have something to teach.
Everyone can become our teacher in something. Confucius says something good in the other person can emulate (try to instill in themselves, to develop), and seeing something bad in another, try to eliminate it in yourself.
Remember these rules of Confucius, and applying them on their way, we can more quickly achieve their goals. And let all of us accompanies success in this business is not always easy!