10 wisest quotes Confucius

philosophy of the great Chinese thinker focused on moral issues, personal and social. Confucius taught the rules of relations between people in society, justice and equality.
Website brings 10 colorful life lessons philosopher Confucius.
It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. Do not make friends with someone who is not better than you. When you're angry, you think about the consequences. If it is obvious that the goals can not be reached, do not adjust the target, the corrective action. If you hate - then you won. A noble man makes demands on themselves, poor man makes demands of others. Whatever you do in life, do it with all your heart. Let's teachings only to those who seek knowledge, to discover their ignorance. Incontinence in the little things ruin a great thing. If you spit in the back, so you're ahead. If you're interested, read the same, but in more detail. We care.
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