
1. mirroring smile.
The smile is very contagious. Smile passer and he smiles back. Scientist Ruth Campbell believes that in the brain there are mirror neurons, which means that a person automatically copies the face, which sees in front of him. Science has proven that the more you smile, the more positively you react to the surrounding.
2. Wrinkles around the eyes.
If sincere, honest, joyful smile at the corners of the eyes are born tiny wrinkles. Feigned and insincere smile stretches only cheek. Pay attention to your eyes when you smile.
3. A smile in the photo.
Before photographing photographers are asked to tell the famous "Chi-and-and-s." At this point, our cheeks stretched and we really smile, but, as mentioned earlier, not the eyes. During photographing, standing with a smile the camera themselves, bearing in mind the mirror neurons (fun memories) and say something more original. For example, in the Mausoleum loudly shout "Lemurs". He smiles even leader.
4. A smile can imitate without consequences.
Most people can not distinguish fake smile, this smile. It is believed that smile - the weapon of liars, ie often smiling man lying navernyayaka. In fact this is not true. Avstrayliysky customs officers searched recording Pass the border and people notice that illegal immigrants, smugglers, criminals are much less likely to smile. And who will smile at the question of a customs officer, "Is that you dropped a package of cocaine"?
5. Why obezyanki can not laugh and talk?
Chimpanzee - not the people, and they are not physically able to reproduce it. Even verbal joke April 1, can not tell. But walking upright would save the monkeys, because they will have the ability to control breathing. Therefore, only the monkey smiling and waving.
6. Laughter alleviates pain.
Scientists have proved that those who laughing, longer lives. We know this! We also know about the experience of the 80s of the last century, when a pair of triple US hospitals have created a "fun house." In these rooms we have collected comic books, audio and video tapes, and humor too zahazhivali visit. The result: patients will be discharged steel, most significantly improved health, the amount of pain medication taken by patients decreased. Smile on health!
7. Smile and smeeyatsya fun together.
People alone laugh and smile often. And it is not only a lack of jokes. Scientist Robert Provine said that only 15% of laughter is connected with the jokes. Smile and laugh more often arise in the course of the discussion it funny, and not only when viewing. Alone people often talk with each other and laughing to himself less than a stranger happened to be on watching the new film featuring Jim Carrey.
8. Women smiling nature lies in the brain. Facts about women.
People who are into submission, often smiling in the presence of those who dominate them. For example, in the presence of the director. The authorities, on the contrary, smiling podchinnenym only in friendly circumstances. And muzhichny and woman smiling at work. A woman looks at such times submissive and weak when compared to the severe and unsmiling men. It is believed that this is the result of historical podchinnenogo Women. However, in an eight-month of age, young girls smile more often the stronger sex. Academic Nancy Hanley nazyvatsya female smile "sign peacemaker" used to pacify the more power men. During communion girl smiling on 26% more often.
9. Smile and love.
According to studies at Harvard, women laugh at men who like them, and men attracted to such women. Maybe that's why a sense of humor is one of the first places among the attractive qualities of a man for a woman. Women need not tell jokes, it is enough to laugh at his jokes. The man, who by way of humorous, more attractive for the majority of women.
10. Laughter through tears.
Ask a psychologist, and he will tell you that laughter and crying are very similar. Remember, when you laughed really funny jokes so much so that no longer control himself. What do you feel then? Easy poklyvanie throughout the body, right? This is due to the release of endofinov and you feel the rise, joy. According to Paul Ekman, we are attracted to the smiling and cheerful people because they can really impact on our nervous system. Seeing ulybayuschiegosya person, we smile in response, the brain produces endorphins.