Home stripes on the nose of blackheads.

To remove the point from the nose is no longer necessary to buy expensive and are ineffective strip. They do not give significant effect that you want. Or, for that it is necessary to carry out huge preparation.
The recipe is not mine, but I think it is very efficient.
Take a tablespoon of water or milk. Is poured into a glass. There fall asleep half tablespoons gelatin dry. Stir so that the gelatin mix and wet. Put in the microwave for 6-10 seconds. Remove! You must completely dissolve gelatin, even boil. Now, take a brush and gently apply the paste on the nose with a thick layer. You can steam, you can zapilingovat, you can simply wash the skin. Basically, all of your actions will help, but are not mandatory. When the crust on your nose will be a very strong and rubber. Feel free to remove it. Process a bit painful, but it will pull out all that has accumulated. Then remove all the remaining via fleece soaked in the tonic and vitamin E. anoint your nose is neat and tidy and well!