Selection commentary reservations
-Yerro Shows the judge that Titov fell by just typing speed and not having their feet.
-Here ... Hit! I paid attention to it back in the hotel.
-Vratar Almost hit his head on the post, because as a child, probably a little fall.
-Health, Of course, reacted Bonner: in our opinion, is the goalie in a beautiful jump, in violation of the rules - as it should be.
-And I say that Sticky could not see anything between the legs Filimonov !!!
-Beautiful, Slender legs Kannidzhy, and hairstyle also so-so, nothing.
-Beautiful Figure at Baggio, but the front of us for some reason do not show -And then came to the rescue of the crossbar
-Myach Player got to a place that is not properly called.
-And The judge, if he is a normal person wants to watch the game and adds additional time.
-So Gesture of the players are shown in two cases: when the ball and scoring when dissatisfied with the decision of the arbitrator
-Armeytsy Moscow playing red shorts with blue sleeves
-Bulykin - Tall, long player, and the partners have learned to use his advantage.
Davidov has adapted to the style of play Gusev, who usually makes a false breakthrough. Now, if Gusev made two false leap, then it would be difficult Davydov
-Vyydya On the ball, beat a defender and the goalkeeper knocked him over the side
-I Levitsky had problems with the elbow joint, so he plays kneepads
-Sale Players - not the best way of trafficking ...
-Shotlandtsy Great play head. They are born so.
-Ogohoma Can earn in circus if it will be difficult.
-What Good Viktor Onopko - pristavuchy a player
-Koller Not just big, he can give the ball ...
-Poborski Late for a date to the far post.
-Before The match - five minute digits, in ppezhnemy score 0: 0.
Yes-ah as speak out in a well-known napodnogo pogovopke: "What you do not atakyy, and the bill finally arrived a 0: 2".
-This Svitep y it - lucky! He finally arrived his fifteen seasons is not taking! ..
-From Of padosti that scored takomy silnomy and gpoznomy sopepniky, Baggio hanged on shutters!
-They Want to catch him, but Rebpov paskidal defenders with his wand-vypychalochkoy.
-Vialli Skidded bokovyyu line with legs sopepnika
-Kpivov Wanted ppobit strong and accurate, but not polychilos- Yes neydachno lay on his leather nogy fytbolisty dpyzhok
C spaptakovets ball, defender modeled from him. Spaptakovsky fopvapd naschypal flaw mezhdy ppotivnika feet and quickly to their advantage. Yes-ah, spaptakovskaya school
-Onopko Polychaet tsent.pe of the ball in the field. All his figypa how bydto govopit "komy give?»
-For Vopota paspolozhils left fans "Lazio". They all golybye
-Sbivayut Aleksandp Palyanitsy. Apbitp shows that aid has finally arrived vpach not nyzhna.
-Shovkovsky Polychaet pass from his dpyga for life - Vladislav Vaschyka. By the way, they are married.
-In Ypopnoy of struggle fytbolisty "Spaptaka" vypvali point y igpokov pitepskogo "Zenith".
-Hesmotpya On hoposhyyu pogody, many fans ppedpochli pepezhdat rain home.
-Elistinsky Defender ppistpoilsya back to Loskovy but y it does not -That polychilos Tikhonov running after the ball, runs to vpatapyu and takes possession of him.
-For The result of our zhepebёvki sydey lay in bapaban.
-Litmanen Had tpёh defenders - two behind and one is modeled from.
-C Ball Germans in this slychae - fpantsyz.
Protector of the Danes raised nogy and attack the Dutch zahlebnylas.
-Dlinnonogy Angloma got the ball, which is in tpeh the subway from him.
-Plachet Happiness head tpenep Swedes ... No, it pposto someone from the emy assistants got a finger in the eye ...
-Maminov, Ispolzyya nogy Sepgeya Gashkina, knocked the ball over bokovyyu.
-Apbitp Pulled out of his pants Delete an.
-Udap Was very strong. The ball hit a defender in golovy. If you have brains may bydet sotpyasenie.
-Smeptin Vezdesysch today - just attacked chyzhie vopota, and now finally arrived on tpavke lying about his.
-How Something neydachno Albanian trying to hit the ball and caught his head nogy our fytbolista.
-Poptygaltsy Idyt vpepёd. Your ass they pposto zabposili.
-Uzh Not know what vpatap stopped the ball, but he zastpyal mezhdy feet
-Sydya So ppistalno posmotpel eyes Bepgkampy that chyt not ppozhёg dypky in his back.
Vetepan Kopchnoy showed stapcheskie but ostpye zyby.
-Pensionnym Run Kobelev ran yglovoy apply.
-How Technically spoptsmen planky licked!
What, I potepyal Ronaldo. It is not on the field or on the bench. Maybe he's somewhere sppyatalsya? ..
-Titov Polychilos pass from avstpiytsa. Hoposho pass. From its not such polychilos.
-Faylepa Can understand. Hy, of course, pazdpazhaet when you butt ppotivnika peped.
-Olivep Kahn annoyance sbposil pepchatki igpal and then ppakticheski naked.
-Can Only ydivlyatsya skoposti afpikanskih fytbolistov: in dzhynglyah not particularly pazbezhishsya.
-Vpatap Vopobёv was ready to etomy and vovpemya pazdvinyl legs ...
-Tpenep Actively behaves y bpovki field: kpichit, zhestikylipyet, drink, and sometimes kypit ...
-Bokovoy Apbitp ppinimaet kpasivye posture. Perhaps he panshe studied ballet.
-This Pass komy some of podnyh or close to tpibynah.
The protector stopped and striker calmly passtpelyal vpatapya.
- "Spaptak" scored the same number of goals, and how much "Intep" - none.
- ... And our fopvapd falls shtpafnoy site! What govopit sydya? A sydya govopit that today ylitse quite cold, and the ground is necessary to climb.
-Apbitp Ppedyppezhdenie does not have to zabipat ball y kolymbiytsev, they also want poigpat.
-Babangidy Today igpaet bytsah in white, and the rest igpaet calmly ypavnoveshenno.
Protector of desperate bopolsya the ball and pepebopol it. And bposil ball nabezhavshyyu tolpy igpokov.
-And What will apbitp on povody that Shovkovskiy went on a date with William?
-Igpoki Pazbilis on papam and hustle.
-K Myachy odnovpemenno potyanylis pyki golkipepa and bald Fabpitsio.
-How To speak out, is worth fytbolist, then paz - and scored.
-What A brilliant ydap head struck Kylkov above vopota!
-Kievlyane Not dopyskayut gpybyh errors and all of igpaet pyk out hoposho.
-Klinsman Is offered to very active ...
-Klyb Not otpystil Yupana in sbopnyyu. What to do now emy in Bohyme? Beer drinking? Sausages are?
-Kyzmichev Only raised his nogy ydapa for his on her and ydapili.
-Leonenko Pazminaetsya finally arrived 45 minute digits. Not to pepegpelsya.
-Lyzhny Gorgeous candle lifts the ball over the stadium! Magnificent, in terms of aesthetics zpeniya but sovepshenno incomprehensible in terms zpeniya zdpavogo sense!
-Myach Flown in specially for this ppigotovlennye vopota.
-Hastoyaschy Fighter that Babangida always ydachno bopetsya to end it as tyt paz knocked down.
-He Yspela tpidtsat end of first minute digits by the third inning, as the fourth-tpidtsat started.
-He Put nogy type shlagbaym.
-He Ydapil leg like a club as ppodolzhenie pyki.
-Paptnepy Tikhonov used for other purposes.
-Penalti Akkypatno ACCOMPLISHED least akkypatno ppichesanny fytbolist.
-Pepebipaya Stpopila, spoptsmeny came to kpylo sepebpistogo laynepa Anti 2.
-Ppozvychali Hymns, is about to begin the most intepesnyh.
-Razpyazhaya Sityatsii, Klinsmann smashes in stopony Fpantsii.
-strong Ydap - and fytbolist "Bolton" chyt not ybil igpoka his team.
Stowe vpatapyu passlabitsya he tyt same zapabotal his ball mezhdy feet.
-Syttep Simylipyet ppistyp white gopyachki.
-He Has excellent feet. He can move them and nap.pavo and left.
-Fehtyya One leg, he tried to do pepedachy.
-It Kyman. You navepnoe, yznal kychepyavye his feet.
-It Ponpavilos fans, and they began to cheer for their komandy.
-How To our today is not pospamitsya. CAM PRESIDENT OF ZIMBABWE TRIBUHE HA !!!
-In This position y Kappova is lychshe.
-Here Kaspapov dymat first been started.
What a difficult victory was given Samppasy. So why he had even ypal. Very intepesno ...
-Tayson Even azbyky vyychil in tyupme. It chyvstvyetsya on nachaly match.
-Of Course, it is hard spoptsmenam, because it's not a beer drink. Or what am I doing?
-So The impression that y Bybki pole yvelichilsya after rest.
-What A Japanese judoka it reminds me of my zheny. But only something ...
-Shymahep Tselyet kybok, tpenepa, konstpyktopov and even his wife.
-I Remember now, at this most difficult rainy match in Kiev - the players urinated everywhere! ..
C gets a sense of accomplishment from our Armenian striker defender!
-Simeone Left in the field, when it is no longer Beckham.
-Vratar Does not enter the ball in play and partners shows that they walked away.
- And come full Papadopoulos Greek opponents. They can now go Zagorakis!
- Just when the Dutch began a taste, and that's Petit came during this meal.
- And in the middle, in the bush, hiding rival ...
- Ball treacherously departed, as if from behind a corner.
- The right of the scale we have this carrot ...
- Ball, outsmarted himself, rode by the right post.
- It is necessary so shavat Overmars! "Gobble" - it is from the word "hav".
- Gone, gone crafty ball was given not ...
- Here he is holding an opponent for pants, his shirt, his sides ... practically everything that can be holding.
- As soon as the Danes on the Czechs not overturned a cold shower.
- The Dutch made of flesh and bones, as well as all.
- The judge in the hands of Batista squeezes his instrument.
- If Pauleta slightly earlier jumped out of the corner ... In the role of the angle made by the defender.
- The Dutch national team is already out, and you can count the players, like plums in a bowl.
- It is an echo of that episode when Overmars Carvalho hit the hip joint.
- The ball jumps over the outstretched leg to his friendly Cristiano Ronaldo.
- No wonder he collapsed on the field and began to engage in self-abasement.
- Olic goes to the gate goes to the gate ... Olic forgot why he had come to the gate.
- Were his chances of possibilities!
- James gave the ball across the face with his fist. Bottom hit - a real uppercut.
-Here ... Hit! I paid attention to it back in the hotel.
-Vratar Almost hit his head on the post, because as a child, probably a little fall.
-Health, Of course, reacted Bonner: in our opinion, is the goalie in a beautiful jump, in violation of the rules - as it should be.
-And I say that Sticky could not see anything between the legs Filimonov !!!
-Beautiful, Slender legs Kannidzhy, and hairstyle also so-so, nothing.
-Beautiful Figure at Baggio, but the front of us for some reason do not show -And then came to the rescue of the crossbar
-Myach Player got to a place that is not properly called.
-And The judge, if he is a normal person wants to watch the game and adds additional time.
-So Gesture of the players are shown in two cases: when the ball and scoring when dissatisfied with the decision of the arbitrator
-Armeytsy Moscow playing red shorts with blue sleeves
-Bulykin - Tall, long player, and the partners have learned to use his advantage.
Davidov has adapted to the style of play Gusev, who usually makes a false breakthrough. Now, if Gusev made two false leap, then it would be difficult Davydov
-Vyydya On the ball, beat a defender and the goalkeeper knocked him over the side
-I Levitsky had problems with the elbow joint, so he plays kneepads
-Sale Players - not the best way of trafficking ...
-Shotlandtsy Great play head. They are born so.
-Ogohoma Can earn in circus if it will be difficult.
-What Good Viktor Onopko - pristavuchy a player
-Koller Not just big, he can give the ball ...
-Poborski Late for a date to the far post.
-Before The match - five minute digits, in ppezhnemy score 0: 0.
Yes-ah as speak out in a well-known napodnogo pogovopke: "What you do not atakyy, and the bill finally arrived a 0: 2".
-This Svitep y it - lucky! He finally arrived his fifteen seasons is not taking! ..
-From Of padosti that scored takomy silnomy and gpoznomy sopepniky, Baggio hanged on shutters!
-They Want to catch him, but Rebpov paskidal defenders with his wand-vypychalochkoy.
-Vialli Skidded bokovyyu line with legs sopepnika
-Kpivov Wanted ppobit strong and accurate, but not polychilos- Yes neydachno lay on his leather nogy fytbolisty dpyzhok
C spaptakovets ball, defender modeled from him. Spaptakovsky fopvapd naschypal flaw mezhdy ppotivnika feet and quickly to their advantage. Yes-ah, spaptakovskaya school
-Onopko Polychaet tsent.pe of the ball in the field. All his figypa how bydto govopit "komy give?»
-For Vopota paspolozhils left fans "Lazio". They all golybye
-Sbivayut Aleksandp Palyanitsy. Apbitp shows that aid has finally arrived vpach not nyzhna.
-Shovkovsky Polychaet pass from his dpyga for life - Vladislav Vaschyka. By the way, they are married.
-In Ypopnoy of struggle fytbolisty "Spaptaka" vypvali point y igpokov pitepskogo "Zenith".
-Hesmotpya On hoposhyyu pogody, many fans ppedpochli pepezhdat rain home.
-Elistinsky Defender ppistpoilsya back to Loskovy but y it does not -That polychilos Tikhonov running after the ball, runs to vpatapyu and takes possession of him.
-For The result of our zhepebёvki sydey lay in bapaban.
-Litmanen Had tpёh defenders - two behind and one is modeled from.
-C Ball Germans in this slychae - fpantsyz.
Protector of the Danes raised nogy and attack the Dutch zahlebnylas.
-Dlinnonogy Angloma got the ball, which is in tpeh the subway from him.
-Plachet Happiness head tpenep Swedes ... No, it pposto someone from the emy assistants got a finger in the eye ...
-Maminov, Ispolzyya nogy Sepgeya Gashkina, knocked the ball over bokovyyu.
-Apbitp Pulled out of his pants Delete an.
-Udap Was very strong. The ball hit a defender in golovy. If you have brains may bydet sotpyasenie.
-Smeptin Vezdesysch today - just attacked chyzhie vopota, and now finally arrived on tpavke lying about his.
-How Something neydachno Albanian trying to hit the ball and caught his head nogy our fytbolista.
-Poptygaltsy Idyt vpepёd. Your ass they pposto zabposili.
-Uzh Not know what vpatap stopped the ball, but he zastpyal mezhdy feet
-Sydya So ppistalno posmotpel eyes Bepgkampy that chyt not ppozhёg dypky in his back.
Vetepan Kopchnoy showed stapcheskie but ostpye zyby.
-Pensionnym Run Kobelev ran yglovoy apply.
-How Technically spoptsmen planky licked!
What, I potepyal Ronaldo. It is not on the field or on the bench. Maybe he's somewhere sppyatalsya? ..
-Titov Polychilos pass from avstpiytsa. Hoposho pass. From its not such polychilos.
-Faylepa Can understand. Hy, of course, pazdpazhaet when you butt ppotivnika peped.
-Olivep Kahn annoyance sbposil pepchatki igpal and then ppakticheski naked.
-Can Only ydivlyatsya skoposti afpikanskih fytbolistov: in dzhynglyah not particularly pazbezhishsya.
-Vpatap Vopobёv was ready to etomy and vovpemya pazdvinyl legs ...
-Tpenep Actively behaves y bpovki field: kpichit, zhestikylipyet, drink, and sometimes kypit ...
-Bokovoy Apbitp ppinimaet kpasivye posture. Perhaps he panshe studied ballet.
-This Pass komy some of podnyh or close to tpibynah.
The protector stopped and striker calmly passtpelyal vpatapya.
- "Spaptak" scored the same number of goals, and how much "Intep" - none.
- ... And our fopvapd falls shtpafnoy site! What govopit sydya? A sydya govopit that today ylitse quite cold, and the ground is necessary to climb.
-Apbitp Ppedyppezhdenie does not have to zabipat ball y kolymbiytsev, they also want poigpat.
-Babangidy Today igpaet bytsah in white, and the rest igpaet calmly ypavnoveshenno.
Protector of desperate bopolsya the ball and pepebopol it. And bposil ball nabezhavshyyu tolpy igpokov.
-And What will apbitp on povody that Shovkovskiy went on a date with William?
-Igpoki Pazbilis on papam and hustle.
-K Myachy odnovpemenno potyanylis pyki golkipepa and bald Fabpitsio.
-How To speak out, is worth fytbolist, then paz - and scored.
-What A brilliant ydap head struck Kylkov above vopota!
-Kievlyane Not dopyskayut gpybyh errors and all of igpaet pyk out hoposho.
-Klinsman Is offered to very active ...
-Klyb Not otpystil Yupana in sbopnyyu. What to do now emy in Bohyme? Beer drinking? Sausages are?
-Kyzmichev Only raised his nogy ydapa for his on her and ydapili.
-Leonenko Pazminaetsya finally arrived 45 minute digits. Not to pepegpelsya.
-Lyzhny Gorgeous candle lifts the ball over the stadium! Magnificent, in terms of aesthetics zpeniya but sovepshenno incomprehensible in terms zpeniya zdpavogo sense!
-Myach Flown in specially for this ppigotovlennye vopota.
-Hastoyaschy Fighter that Babangida always ydachno bopetsya to end it as tyt paz knocked down.
-He Yspela tpidtsat end of first minute digits by the third inning, as the fourth-tpidtsat started.
-He Put nogy type shlagbaym.
-He Ydapil leg like a club as ppodolzhenie pyki.
-Paptnepy Tikhonov used for other purposes.
-Penalti Akkypatno ACCOMPLISHED least akkypatno ppichesanny fytbolist.
-Pepebipaya Stpopila, spoptsmeny came to kpylo sepebpistogo laynepa Anti 2.
-Ppozvychali Hymns, is about to begin the most intepesnyh.
-Razpyazhaya Sityatsii, Klinsmann smashes in stopony Fpantsii.
-strong Ydap - and fytbolist "Bolton" chyt not ybil igpoka his team.
Stowe vpatapyu passlabitsya he tyt same zapabotal his ball mezhdy feet.
-Syttep Simylipyet ppistyp white gopyachki.
-He Has excellent feet. He can move them and nap.pavo and left.
-Fehtyya One leg, he tried to do pepedachy.
-It Kyman. You navepnoe, yznal kychepyavye his feet.
-It Ponpavilos fans, and they began to cheer for their komandy.
-How To our today is not pospamitsya. CAM PRESIDENT OF ZIMBABWE TRIBUHE HA !!!
-In This position y Kappova is lychshe.
-Here Kaspapov dymat first been started.
What a difficult victory was given Samppasy. So why he had even ypal. Very intepesno ...
-Tayson Even azbyky vyychil in tyupme. It chyvstvyetsya on nachaly match.
-Of Course, it is hard spoptsmenam, because it's not a beer drink. Or what am I doing?
-So The impression that y Bybki pole yvelichilsya after rest.
-What A Japanese judoka it reminds me of my zheny. But only something ...
-Shymahep Tselyet kybok, tpenepa, konstpyktopov and even his wife.
-I Remember now, at this most difficult rainy match in Kiev - the players urinated everywhere! ..
C gets a sense of accomplishment from our Armenian striker defender!
-Simeone Left in the field, when it is no longer Beckham.
-Vratar Does not enter the ball in play and partners shows that they walked away.
- And come full Papadopoulos Greek opponents. They can now go Zagorakis!
- Just when the Dutch began a taste, and that's Petit came during this meal.
- And in the middle, in the bush, hiding rival ...
- Ball treacherously departed, as if from behind a corner.
- The right of the scale we have this carrot ...
- Ball, outsmarted himself, rode by the right post.
- It is necessary so shavat Overmars! "Gobble" - it is from the word "hav".
- Gone, gone crafty ball was given not ...
- Here he is holding an opponent for pants, his shirt, his sides ... practically everything that can be holding.
- As soon as the Danes on the Czechs not overturned a cold shower.
- The Dutch made of flesh and bones, as well as all.
- The judge in the hands of Batista squeezes his instrument.
- If Pauleta slightly earlier jumped out of the corner ... In the role of the angle made by the defender.
- The Dutch national team is already out, and you can count the players, like plums in a bowl.
- It is an echo of that episode when Overmars Carvalho hit the hip joint.
- The ball jumps over the outstretched leg to his friendly Cristiano Ronaldo.
- No wonder he collapsed on the field and began to engage in self-abasement.
- Olic goes to the gate goes to the gate ... Olic forgot why he had come to the gate.
- Were his chances of possibilities!
- James gave the ball across the face with his fist. Bottom hit - a real uppercut.