Entries in the school diaries
Uv. parents! Cut the your child. I want to look him in the eye.
Drinking beer right on the biology class (a hoax bream) and brazenly burp in the face of the honored. Russian teacher!
Hey there! Ale! Che money for breakfast?
Bring on the $ 100 bribe to the head. Education Department.
I played on a lesson card. He does not know how to count whist.
Your child missed Saturday's disco! Understand!
Mathematics - Chemistry 1 - 1 Russian language - Geography 1 - 1 Total: 4 (good)
Spervonachalu behaved shocking, and skimped frappiroval recklessly. And after all of a sudden became a sort of beech, he kept to himself. Bonhomie. Fi.
The life of the child in the classroom of God's Law prepogano Velma. Istorgnul core paper crumpled skroz plastic tube through which the clerk became cripples and blind. I cast the demon out of the classroom. Please make beheading son of a bitch on the rump twig, strip meal and a movie, Ali beat forehead against the wall!
Kuriles incense in the toilet.
Pay attention to the appearance of your son. Trousers forever naglazheny, combed neatly trimmed nails. Where is chistoplyuystvo ?!
Pay attention to the appearance of his daughter. Black and green are not, it is necessary to lower the waistline! Disable daughter obuzhivat sleeve!
Drinking beer right on the biology class (a hoax bream) and brazenly burp in the face of the honored. Russian teacher!
Hey there! Ale! Che money for breakfast?
Bring on the $ 100 bribe to the head. Education Department.
I played on a lesson card. He does not know how to count whist.
Your child missed Saturday's disco! Understand!
Mathematics - Chemistry 1 - 1 Russian language - Geography 1 - 1 Total: 4 (good)
Spervonachalu behaved shocking, and skimped frappiroval recklessly. And after all of a sudden became a sort of beech, he kept to himself. Bonhomie. Fi.
The life of the child in the classroom of God's Law prepogano Velma. Istorgnul core paper crumpled skroz plastic tube through which the clerk became cripples and blind. I cast the demon out of the classroom. Please make beheading son of a bitch on the rump twig, strip meal and a movie, Ali beat forehead against the wall!
Kuriles incense in the toilet.
Pay attention to the appearance of your son. Trousers forever naglazheny, combed neatly trimmed nails. Where is chistoplyuystvo ?!
Pay attention to the appearance of his daughter. Black and green are not, it is necessary to lower the waistline! Disable daughter obuzhivat sleeve!