More about different surnames
A little preface. I work in a commercial bank and do the register of shareholders.
To date, these registries has gathered more than 70 thousand people (a small town!) And we decided to all of us coming across the names of fun to collect ratings and then play the prize of the week, month, etc.
Just funny names such as Popik, tadpoles, truffles and other includes only the starting ratings, therefore, do not bring them here.
Well that's what we have in the collection (I swear, all documented, saw copies of your passport!) :-)
Kakashkind, BlyaTko, Chmyryuk, a woman with the surname Flooring (interesting question: how life, Flooring?), An eccentric with a sonorous name Bilayner (interestingly, his cell free handed?), A man by the name of Tampak (and would like to add, is not it?) worthy citizen Judas Shlemovich Prezerman (here at the Chekhov: there is no subject that could not be a Jewish name, and the name and patronymic what kind!), director of a solid company by the name of Piskin (it when calling the office all ugorayu): - )
Well, now the top three (in descending order) the current month again - I have a copy of the passport!)
3) Alexander asshole (hard truth?)
2) LEONID Naumovich HUER (even more!)
1) place - hit of the season - a woman with the surname INTRALIGATOR (such as international crocodile).
We decided to peruse all of 2, 7 million subscribers in the Moscow telephone network and highly compute similar names. The richest obscene names appeared on the letter "B". In Moscow, toil under the yoke of one drazniteley Blyabkin and nine Blyablinyh. And no number of holders of such names as Blyaror, Blyatnik and just buckle. We express our sympathy to these people. And Blyakher, and all Blyahmanam Blyaherovoy. Against the background of these sufferers can only be glad for the three families, who proudly wear the name of Bobby. Or Bobinchik-Rabinovitch. A Nedrischevyh in Moscow, two of them, but there is another Sruchkin, four and one Suhozad Zadnikovyh. Pyatizhopovyh respectively five.
Three Nadhullinyh there is one Podhullin.
Onanizev is present in two copies, Pupkin - three and two Sivuhotozhe.
Compete with the letter "B" in the Russian alphabet can make only the letter "X", which starts three Herdvimovyh one garbage one Hernes, one and three Herenkovyh Heresh. Somehow, we have a very unpopular name of alcoholics - those are only two. But five families have the surname Faggot.
These adjacent Pedora and Pedyachaya citizens, on whose background is very robust design live obladatelsyam Shnurapet names, Sabbath, Zuzya, Zaduiviter, Sivokobylenko, Sivokoz, Paltsapupa, Zababashkin, Durnopeyko, Narco, Schmal and Glyukin.
We believe that very unlucky one national and nine Mudorisovym Mudela.
But the fact that in Moscow one bad had three good and even three Garnier says that good people still more than bad.
Oh, and finally:
Ball among us, there are as many as 121 of them PP only one.
Chainikova -17 (well represented when the policeman stops on the road).
And about politics. Zyuganov in Moscow live 39, Yeltsin four. Plus varieties: Yeltsin - 1, -2 Eltsin, Elson - 3. Chernomyrdin - 31 Chernomord - 1 Chernomordikovyh - 1 Chernomordin - 5, Lenin - 6 Krupskih- 36 Stalin - 3.
The most common in Moscow, Ivanovo - 21833 subscribers. They are followed by Petrov did not, as one might assume, rather Kuznetsov - 17440.
Petrov is in third place - 9953, pushing him legitimate Sidorov, which is also very much.
community / anekdot
To date, these registries has gathered more than 70 thousand people (a small town!) And we decided to all of us coming across the names of fun to collect ratings and then play the prize of the week, month, etc.
Just funny names such as Popik, tadpoles, truffles and other includes only the starting ratings, therefore, do not bring them here.
Well that's what we have in the collection (I swear, all documented, saw copies of your passport!) :-)
Kakashkind, BlyaTko, Chmyryuk, a woman with the surname Flooring (interesting question: how life, Flooring?), An eccentric with a sonorous name Bilayner (interestingly, his cell free handed?), A man by the name of Tampak (and would like to add, is not it?) worthy citizen Judas Shlemovich Prezerman (here at the Chekhov: there is no subject that could not be a Jewish name, and the name and patronymic what kind!), director of a solid company by the name of Piskin (it when calling the office all ugorayu): - )
Well, now the top three (in descending order) the current month again - I have a copy of the passport!)
3) Alexander asshole (hard truth?)
2) LEONID Naumovich HUER (even more!)
1) place - hit of the season - a woman with the surname INTRALIGATOR (such as international crocodile).
We decided to peruse all of 2, 7 million subscribers in the Moscow telephone network and highly compute similar names. The richest obscene names appeared on the letter "B". In Moscow, toil under the yoke of one drazniteley Blyabkin and nine Blyablinyh. And no number of holders of such names as Blyaror, Blyatnik and just buckle. We express our sympathy to these people. And Blyakher, and all Blyahmanam Blyaherovoy. Against the background of these sufferers can only be glad for the three families, who proudly wear the name of Bobby. Or Bobinchik-Rabinovitch. A Nedrischevyh in Moscow, two of them, but there is another Sruchkin, four and one Suhozad Zadnikovyh. Pyatizhopovyh respectively five.
Three Nadhullinyh there is one Podhullin.
Onanizev is present in two copies, Pupkin - three and two Sivuhotozhe.
Compete with the letter "B" in the Russian alphabet can make only the letter "X", which starts three Herdvimovyh one garbage one Hernes, one and three Herenkovyh Heresh. Somehow, we have a very unpopular name of alcoholics - those are only two. But five families have the surname Faggot.
These adjacent Pedora and Pedyachaya citizens, on whose background is very robust design live obladatelsyam Shnurapet names, Sabbath, Zuzya, Zaduiviter, Sivokobylenko, Sivokoz, Paltsapupa, Zababashkin, Durnopeyko, Narco, Schmal and Glyukin.
We believe that very unlucky one national and nine Mudorisovym Mudela.
But the fact that in Moscow one bad had three good and even three Garnier says that good people still more than bad.
Oh, and finally:
Ball among us, there are as many as 121 of them PP only one.
Chainikova -17 (well represented when the policeman stops on the road).
And about politics. Zyuganov in Moscow live 39, Yeltsin four. Plus varieties: Yeltsin - 1, -2 Eltsin, Elson - 3. Chernomyrdin - 31 Chernomord - 1 Chernomordikovyh - 1 Chernomordin - 5, Lenin - 6 Krupskih- 36 Stalin - 3.
The most common in Moscow, Ivanovo - 21833 subscribers. They are followed by Petrov did not, as one might assume, rather Kuznetsov - 17440.
Petrov is in third place - 9953, pushing him legitimate Sidorov, which is also very much.
community / anekdot