"The bomb" waiting to happen
Came into the room and listened. As if the clock is ticking. Similarly watch - cheap Chinese. That's it stop. "Tick - so - tick."
By ticking never sleep but could not. Therefore, in the bedroom clock does not hold. Listened again. The sound is heard outside.
"Are neighbors bullied? - I thought. - Every day that the empty bottles over the fence into our garden throws, the garbage bag, the ball launch, maybe today decided to throw out the clock? ".
Husband entered the room.
- Are you awake? - He was surprised.
- We have a window that something is ticking! - Whisper told him.
- Sleep, come on - he smiled.
- I can not! - I replied. - What if it's a bomb?
- Of course, a time bomb - husband laughed.
- Yeah - I was offended. - Journalists almost every day are killed, and you're having fun!
He went outside and walked to the bedroom window, called out to me.
- Who is ticking?
- No, no longer.
But as soon as he returned to the house, ticking resumed. The alarm was raised by the entire family. Dad with flashlight studied the grass and bushes, husband inspected the metal box in which the gas meter. The ladies also prefer not to leave the house, and perched on the windowsill, listening to where ticks. But hours on the ground was not found. The sound came from above.
- Are the neighbors on the roof threw clock? - Dad said. Approached the standing near the house pear and directed a beam of light in the crown. Then he laughed - See who you sleep does not give!
In the foliage hiding two small Sovenko. One sitting on a branch higher, "said»:
- Tick
The one that is lower, replied:
- So
This dialogue was uninterrupted.
- Shuganut? - Asked the husband.
- No, - I answered. - Small, I'm sorry, let it sit ticking.
Since sovyata live on our pear. One we call Osama bin Laden and the other. Sent Alina
By ticking never sleep but could not. Therefore, in the bedroom clock does not hold. Listened again. The sound is heard outside.
"Are neighbors bullied? - I thought. - Every day that the empty bottles over the fence into our garden throws, the garbage bag, the ball launch, maybe today decided to throw out the clock? ".
Husband entered the room.
- Are you awake? - He was surprised.
- We have a window that something is ticking! - Whisper told him.
- Sleep, come on - he smiled.
- I can not! - I replied. - What if it's a bomb?
- Of course, a time bomb - husband laughed.
- Yeah - I was offended. - Journalists almost every day are killed, and you're having fun!
He went outside and walked to the bedroom window, called out to me.
- Who is ticking?
- No, no longer.
But as soon as he returned to the house, ticking resumed. The alarm was raised by the entire family. Dad with flashlight studied the grass and bushes, husband inspected the metal box in which the gas meter. The ladies also prefer not to leave the house, and perched on the windowsill, listening to where ticks. But hours on the ground was not found. The sound came from above.
- Are the neighbors on the roof threw clock? - Dad said. Approached the standing near the house pear and directed a beam of light in the crown. Then he laughed - See who you sleep does not give!
In the foliage hiding two small Sovenko. One sitting on a branch higher, "said»:
- Tick
The one that is lower, replied:
- So
This dialogue was uninterrupted.
- Shuganut? - Asked the husband.
- No, - I answered. - Small, I'm sorry, let it sit ticking.
Since sovyata live on our pear. One we call Osama bin Laden and the other. Sent Alina