Quotes from the works of American students
The pyramids were large square triangles. Siris about `God, who lived in the pyramid could give you the afterlife. Over time, the Egyptians were drowned in the desert.
The reverse side of the outskirts of the east was inhabited by Russian, who at that time did not know anything. One factor was the use of a cylindrical alphabet.
The Sumerian culture, the oldest, started 3500 years before the birth. People were permitted democratic freedoms such as levying a tooth for a tooth and eye for an eye.
The history of the Jewish people begins with Abraham, Isaac, and their 12 children. Dziudaizm was the first monolithic religion. In it was a god named "Yahoo!". Old Testament prophets were Moses and Confucius.
Jesus Christ commanded Moses to lead the people out of Egypt, in the Sahara Desert. Forty centuries later, they arrived in Canada. This was the promised land of milk and chocolate.
Exodus describes the journey and wonderful things, including the 10 Commandments, various special effects, and the construction of the Suez Canal.
The Trojan War broke out between the Greeks and the Tories. The Greeks won, because they were wooden horses and the Trojans fought on foot.
Spartacus led a slave revolt, and later starred in a movie about it.
When Caesar killed, he said: "And I, Brutus!»
Before the birth of Christ, Christianity was one of the many secret cults.
Mary and Joseph went from hotel to hotel trying to find a place for the birth of Jesus, but they all refused because they were Jews.
Johannes Calvin Klein translated the Bible into the American people to Geneva could read it.
Ignatius of Loyola founded the Jesuit Order and many other colleges in the United States.
The reverse side of the outskirts of the east was inhabited by Russian, who at that time did not know anything. One factor was the use of a cylindrical alphabet.
The Sumerian culture, the oldest, started 3500 years before the birth. People were permitted democratic freedoms such as levying a tooth for a tooth and eye for an eye.
The history of the Jewish people begins with Abraham, Isaac, and their 12 children. Dziudaizm was the first monolithic religion. In it was a god named "Yahoo!". Old Testament prophets were Moses and Confucius.
Jesus Christ commanded Moses to lead the people out of Egypt, in the Sahara Desert. Forty centuries later, they arrived in Canada. This was the promised land of milk and chocolate.
Exodus describes the journey and wonderful things, including the 10 Commandments, various special effects, and the construction of the Suez Canal.
The Trojan War broke out between the Greeks and the Tories. The Greeks won, because they were wooden horses and the Trojans fought on foot.
Spartacus led a slave revolt, and later starred in a movie about it.
When Caesar killed, he said: "And I, Brutus!»
Before the birth of Christ, Christianity was one of the many secret cults.
Mary and Joseph went from hotel to hotel trying to find a place for the birth of Jesus, but they all refused because they were Jews.
Johannes Calvin Klein translated the Bible into the American people to Geneva could read it.
Ignatius of Loyola founded the Jesuit Order and many other colleges in the United States.