What are you bastard (horoscope)

Impulsive bastard. That says it all. Immediately after the offense or asking for forgiveness - noisy, with a sprinkling ashes on their heads, and other theatrical effects (again the next day to take the old); or not to ask - "pride would not allow».
Excuses, "found something", "The devil lured" etc..
Prudently bastard. The exact opposite of Aries. You can not ask: "you think you're doing?" Even as savvy. Calculate in advance where to strike to make it more painful.
Excuses: "You deserved it».
Thoughtless bastard. Often do not realize that behaves like a bastard (half gyrus to the analysis of their actions somehow do not have). About what to do mischief forgets after 5 minutes.
Excuses: "Are you offended? WHY? »
All-Of-Himself-Razneschastnaya bastard. It is you - you bastard, and he - an innocent victim. And always will be, even if the filth on his account ten times more than your. Moreover - he will make sure that the whole world know how you are with him, poor, nasty Treat.
Excuses: "You forced me!»
Narcissistic bastard. He is great, the other - the dust under your feet. From this position derive all his paskudstva.
Excuses: "I felt like it" - max.
Vindictive bastard. Somewhere once you have crossed her path (or simply badly expressed at its expense) - get. All these years she was just waiting for an opportunity.
Excuses: either deaf nesoznanku - "I am ?! But how could you think! ", Or the triumph of" Do you remember ...
Cowardly bastard. Generally, 1st place in the ranking of bastards. Vile, immoral creature. Here lied, then slandered, there betrayed - a way of life. And all because of cowardice.
Excuses: no. Nashakalil and hid.
Schematic bastard. The principles can be any of them is not the essence. From the point of view of its cumbersome and neudoboponimaemogo world, you have broken any ban, and must be punished. He considers himself an instrument of justice (with a capital letter, yes).
Excuses: no. And arrogant upturned chin.
Scandalous bastard. Ham tram. Baba marketplace. Enjoys the conflict as such.
Excuses: meaningless text, richly laced with obscenities - in a raised voice.
Limited bastard. Indifference Taurus + Leo + selfishness his personal, unique stupidity. More greed - as a condiment.
Excuses: "It happened".
Cynical bastard. Honorable 2nd place. Make stuff just to laugh at your misery. He has congenital heart disease - that is to say it (the heart) no.
Excuses: "Ha ha".
Indifferent bastard. Hearing the cry of "Help!", Slams the window and tightly wrapped in a blanket. Do not come to you in the hospital where you live out in the last days of injections. And so on in the same vein.
Excuses: "Every man for himself, I'm sorry."