In the XVII century among the French cavalry was fashionable to keep flea
In the XVII century among the French cavalry was fashionable to keep flea caught with his own body ladylove. Is kept in a tiny insect shkatulke- "cage" jewelry work; "Cell" hung around his neck, and thus daily flea sucked the blood of a happy owner. And when the dying animal, heartbroken gentleman went to catch a new souvenir.
But as they say, all is not overfished, and the ladies had to use special Zibellino. They are also worn around the neck or on the belt as decoration, dropping back to pre-bait drop of blood. It turns out, ermine on his shoulders, too, were a kind of Zibellino and subsequently became the prototype of fur Boas.
Also notable French love to keep in the hands of small dogs - they have higher body temperatures and all the fleas rushed to the poor animal. Modern ladies, carrying their favorites, everywhere, are not even aware of how and why there was such a tradition.
Thirst occurs when the body is dehydrated by just 1%.
To commit suicide with the help of coffee, you need to drink 100 cups in a row.