"Reactive" Spada Codatronca TS sports car
After three months of tests and trials studio Spadaconcept - Italian design studio founded by Paolo Spada (Paolo Spada) (former designer of Smart and Honda) together with his father Ercole (Ercole) (former lead designer Zagato and BMW), Domitian en Bosch (Domiziano Boschi) (former employee Mc Kinsey) and Wojtek Sokolowski (Wojtek Sokolowski) - launched into production supercar Spada TS Codatronca.
With this futuristic car Spadaconcept studio hopes to revive the heritage of Ercole Spada and the philosophy, it is a characteristic feature of each of his creations. The company's vision is focused on the idea of "functional design", which, according to Ercole Spada, is to express the functionality through the image.

With this futuristic car Spadaconcept studio hopes to revive the heritage of Ercole Spada and the philosophy, it is a characteristic feature of each of his creations. The company's vision is focused on the idea of "functional design", which, according to Ercole Spada, is to express the functionality through the image.