Fairy ship Hotel Unique

Hotel Unique Hotel resembles its appearance fabulous ship, with its inherent detail: windows in the form of windows, deck, stern and nose, as well as anchors.
On the parquet floor strewn roof that simulates the deck, a swimming pool, which, however, does more decorative function, which means that to look at it much nicer than swimming in it. But despite the touch of hippie, the interior of this boutique hotel is quite conservative and is modern and understated furnishings, but the floor is rounded numbers and creates a semblance of the hull, to complete the illusion is not enough unless the easy pitching.
Bathroom any number can be made part of the living room, simply by removing the partition separating the room, which will make communication more comfortable and not yelling at each other because of the wall, if you are not traveling alone. If this unique hotel is located in New York, Miami, or any city in Europe, the number in it, you would have to back up several months in advance, but as it is in Brazil, then you can move into this hotel when you please.