Top 10 brands in the world half of IT

Consultancy Interbrand released a list of the hundred best and most expensive brands in 2008 half of the companies in the top ten belong to the world of IT: is IBM (2nd place in the overall ranking), Microsoft (№3), Nokia (№5), Intel (№7) and Google (№10).
Consulting company Interbrand published its list of the hundred most expensive brands - this time for 2008, compared with a rating of last year, the highest number of points added Google, Apple, Amazon.com, Zara and Nintendo. But investment banks Merrill Lynch, Citi and Morgan Stanley showed an inverse pattern, in the light of current developments in global financial markets is understandable, analysts say.
Coca-Cola retains first place ranking eighth consecutive year. Newcomers list are: Italian car brand Ferrari, international FedEx shipping service and the system of plastic cards Visa.
The top five brands of high-tech industries have formed the following companies (in order of priority): IBM, Microsoft, Nokia, Intel and Google. The "Big Blue" and developer of Windows swapped. In the past year, IBM was in third place, "the overall standings," and Microsoft - the second, and now the other way around. The largest mobile phone manufacturer Nokia has remained in fifth place, while Intel has retained seventh place in the overall standings. The situation is different with Google - in the eyes of experts, the company showed a meteoric rise, moved during the year from the twentieth place directly on the tenth. Google's brand value increased by 43% to $ 17, 8 billion. To $ 25, 6 billion. For comparison, the cost of brand Coca-Cola is estimated at $ 66, $ 7 billion.
«The Best Global Brands 2008 reflects the global economy - says the executive director of Interbrand Jez Frempton (Jez Frampton). - What changes are taking place in it such - and on our list. " It is noted emerging economies, which have a rating on the formation of a great impact. "The people of these countries are getting richer and wish it showcased the" - said in a press release. Brands such as Porsche (75th place), Ferrari (93rd) and Prada (91st) scored a significant number of points in such countries.
The world's largest PC maker Hewlett-Packard took twelfth place in the overall standings and follow the Google among IT companies. Korean manufacturer of consumer electronics Samsung Electronics - 21th place, save him from last year.
Manufacturer iPod music players and computers Macintosh, Apple has climbed from 33rd to 24th place. Next to Apple's 25th place is Sony.
In accordance with the rules of Interbrand, the participants rated The Best Global Brands must meet the following five conditions: to publish their financial statements in the public domain; receive at least one third of the income from sales in foreign markets; brand should be associated with the industry to which it belongs; brand should have a positive financial statements and to work not only with other companies, but also with the end users. The study estimated the financial component of the brand, its impact on consumer choice and its prospects - will it have the same and even greater value in the future.