I paid for the urban race of life
April 10 about seven o'clock in the evening on Prospect Victory in Kiev there was a terrible accident. Two cars - BMW 3-Series and the Honda Civic - decided to make the race ...
Day off, little machines, so why not drive? However, the prospect - not the best place for such rallies as public transport goes here quite tight, but, apparently, the young people were deeply spit on the trolley, bus and its passengers. Young people wanted to "fly low".
Learn the technical details of what happened (who and what side who caught) - the task of the expert traffic police. Eyewitnesses testify tragedy - BMW flying at a speed of not less than 180-200 km / hr. Those who managed to look into the interior of the car, say - speedometer stuck at fantastic for the city around 197 km / h. The car went around trucks coming from the right, while respecting everything that could disturb. Ahead "suddenly" (at that speed all "suddenly") there was a bus, people planted at the bus stop. For Daewoo Matiz stop was enabled emergency gang, the driver who went out for cigarettes.
Lost control, BMW rammed a minibus taxi and a minibus overturned on strike. Also, like the ball in the pocket, does not want to stop the shell from the wheels drove Matiz in the underpass. The driver of BMW, 20-year-old Yuri G., a student of the Faculty of International Relations of the Kiev university, died on the spot, his passenger walked around bent piece of metal in a state of shock, later in the hospital in a coma. Five bus passengers with injuries of varying severity were taken to hospital.
In this case, the subjunctive is for everyone who had to be the evening of April 10 near the site of the accident, a great incentive for a good prayer. If the transition, which flew parked cars, were pedestrians if the Stop were more people if the bus was standing a couple of meters closer and did not go to the direction of travel, and completely flew to the pavement, if the driver Daewoo Matiz hesitated in a parked car if Honda laid bump and flew to the oncoming ... In these cases, the accident in Kiev would have a chance to become the same blood as sadly memorable accident in Kharkiv with a jeep, taking off at a stop. Consider one more factor - a collision at such exorbitant even for highway speed was 500 meters to the traffic lights and pedestrian crossing, and the brakes "street racers" is clearly not planned!
20-year-old driver had paid for their silly and wild desire to arrange a race urban life. His companion, not having enough of the mind in order to stop this madness, has paid health. It is not known what will be the consequences of the accident for the injured passenger minibus. Hopefully, doctors and the time to do their job. Scares more - this manner of driving at the weekend was the capital for something ordinary. The same day, the 10th of the author of this article saw with my own eyes on the street Saksaganskogo as Subaru «competed" with Porsche, Honda Accord and a Toyota Camry. Himself Victory Avenue is often used by riders of all stripes (and brand are found) as a testing ground for the destruction of facilities and the satisfaction of ambition. And complexes destroyed, and ambitions are met at the expense of the other, moving quietly and nobody touched motorists.
In the automotive online forum AutoUA, where the accident was devoted to a separate subject, there was a fellow student and friend of the deceased student-BMW driver with the eloquent speaking nickname Street Raser. The young man bitterly commiserate over the untimely death of a friend, with a remark about the nickname, he replied vaguely, and post about it is logical and natural end for lovers of a drive through the city went to the lyrics - "know how he was a guy ?!" . That is public conclusions from the death of a fellow student was not done. But this does not mean that such findings has not been made "for himself».
At the scene observed an interesting phenomenon - everyone passing by on Victory Avenue car slow down and even after passing the accident scene, is not accelerated. Clarity mode works perfectly.
Quite often heard saying that de images of bloody scenes of the accident on television and in the press is not the place. Place! Like children running across the street, and adults who have a child so run should keep in mind a couple of memorable for a lifetime of pictures of bloody consequences of traffic violations. Do not break the psyche, it will stand. If the guy crumpled body bought "good" parent BMW, stood before the eyes of those terrible pictures - who knows, he flew at a speed of 200 km / h in the city?
We decided to consult about such speed Sergei Lukyanchuk, creator and director of "Center of higher driving skills" energy of motion ". Kontravariynoy specialist training, the person who conducted hundreds of joint with athletes racing drivers training, former instructor of "Alpha Shield", a specialist who knows about all extreme sports, categorical:
- For driving around town - madness. When a person moves at a speed of 80-90 km / hour, the remaining drivers still get it to respond. When speed is 150 km / h it might have simply not seen. Someone rebuilt, and then into the side of a flying projectile. By the way, uncontrollable projectile under certain conditions, the car often turns already at 50-60 km / h. When the cutting wheel spins cars and 40 km / h on dry pavement. Even if the driver has the skills counteremergency driving at such a speed and on public roads do not have enough time for it to react to the situation.
- You do not notice a tendency to increase the number of riders in the city? Do not you think that they have too much?
- Enough. I call them "boys convertibles," people without a roof. I remember, during one month, killing five people from the company's urban drivers. One is also in the BMW flew into a minibus, killing people. One day we came to the Centre guy at Ford Probe. Says - I want to do, the machine is powerful, fast, and really do not know how to drive. The next day I saw this car on Berkovtsy. They staged a race with a friend, the car untwist it crashed into a pole and literally torn in two. The very same man lying on the car thirty yards from him, even his pants fell off. He was killed instantly, of course.
- What would you, as a specialist could recommend to fans of fast driving, which can not cope with a desire to drive very fast on city roads?
- At these speeds, even specialists do not have time to analyze the situation, and everyone who goes well in the city, - a potential suicide bomber. For advice - think his head before the press on the gas ...
Author Anatoly Shary
Day off, little machines, so why not drive? However, the prospect - not the best place for such rallies as public transport goes here quite tight, but, apparently, the young people were deeply spit on the trolley, bus and its passengers. Young people wanted to "fly low".

Learn the technical details of what happened (who and what side who caught) - the task of the expert traffic police. Eyewitnesses testify tragedy - BMW flying at a speed of not less than 180-200 km / hr. Those who managed to look into the interior of the car, say - speedometer stuck at fantastic for the city around 197 km / h. The car went around trucks coming from the right, while respecting everything that could disturb. Ahead "suddenly" (at that speed all "suddenly") there was a bus, people planted at the bus stop. For Daewoo Matiz stop was enabled emergency gang, the driver who went out for cigarettes.
Lost control, BMW rammed a minibus taxi and a minibus overturned on strike. Also, like the ball in the pocket, does not want to stop the shell from the wheels drove Matiz in the underpass. The driver of BMW, 20-year-old Yuri G., a student of the Faculty of International Relations of the Kiev university, died on the spot, his passenger walked around bent piece of metal in a state of shock, later in the hospital in a coma. Five bus passengers with injuries of varying severity were taken to hospital.

In this case, the subjunctive is for everyone who had to be the evening of April 10 near the site of the accident, a great incentive for a good prayer. If the transition, which flew parked cars, were pedestrians if the Stop were more people if the bus was standing a couple of meters closer and did not go to the direction of travel, and completely flew to the pavement, if the driver Daewoo Matiz hesitated in a parked car if Honda laid bump and flew to the oncoming ... In these cases, the accident in Kiev would have a chance to become the same blood as sadly memorable accident in Kharkiv with a jeep, taking off at a stop. Consider one more factor - a collision at such exorbitant even for highway speed was 500 meters to the traffic lights and pedestrian crossing, and the brakes "street racers" is clearly not planned!

20-year-old driver had paid for their silly and wild desire to arrange a race urban life. His companion, not having enough of the mind in order to stop this madness, has paid health. It is not known what will be the consequences of the accident for the injured passenger minibus. Hopefully, doctors and the time to do their job. Scares more - this manner of driving at the weekend was the capital for something ordinary. The same day, the 10th of the author of this article saw with my own eyes on the street Saksaganskogo as Subaru «competed" with Porsche, Honda Accord and a Toyota Camry. Himself Victory Avenue is often used by riders of all stripes (and brand are found) as a testing ground for the destruction of facilities and the satisfaction of ambition. And complexes destroyed, and ambitions are met at the expense of the other, moving quietly and nobody touched motorists.

In the automotive online forum AutoUA, where the accident was devoted to a separate subject, there was a fellow student and friend of the deceased student-BMW driver with the eloquent speaking nickname Street Raser. The young man bitterly commiserate over the untimely death of a friend, with a remark about the nickname, he replied vaguely, and post about it is logical and natural end for lovers of a drive through the city went to the lyrics - "know how he was a guy ?!" . That is public conclusions from the death of a fellow student was not done. But this does not mean that such findings has not been made "for himself».

At the scene observed an interesting phenomenon - everyone passing by on Victory Avenue car slow down and even after passing the accident scene, is not accelerated. Clarity mode works perfectly.
Quite often heard saying that de images of bloody scenes of the accident on television and in the press is not the place. Place! Like children running across the street, and adults who have a child so run should keep in mind a couple of memorable for a lifetime of pictures of bloody consequences of traffic violations. Do not break the psyche, it will stand. If the guy crumpled body bought "good" parent BMW, stood before the eyes of those terrible pictures - who knows, he flew at a speed of 200 km / h in the city?

We decided to consult about such speed Sergei Lukyanchuk, creator and director of "Center of higher driving skills" energy of motion ". Kontravariynoy specialist training, the person who conducted hundreds of joint with athletes racing drivers training, former instructor of "Alpha Shield", a specialist who knows about all extreme sports, categorical:
- For driving around town - madness. When a person moves at a speed of 80-90 km / hour, the remaining drivers still get it to respond. When speed is 150 km / h it might have simply not seen. Someone rebuilt, and then into the side of a flying projectile. By the way, uncontrollable projectile under certain conditions, the car often turns already at 50-60 km / h. When the cutting wheel spins cars and 40 km / h on dry pavement. Even if the driver has the skills counteremergency driving at such a speed and on public roads do not have enough time for it to react to the situation.

- You do not notice a tendency to increase the number of riders in the city? Do not you think that they have too much?
- Enough. I call them "boys convertibles," people without a roof. I remember, during one month, killing five people from the company's urban drivers. One is also in the BMW flew into a minibus, killing people. One day we came to the Centre guy at Ford Probe. Says - I want to do, the machine is powerful, fast, and really do not know how to drive. The next day I saw this car on Berkovtsy. They staged a race with a friend, the car untwist it crashed into a pole and literally torn in two. The very same man lying on the car thirty yards from him, even his pants fell off. He was killed instantly, of course.
- What would you, as a specialist could recommend to fans of fast driving, which can not cope with a desire to drive very fast on city roads?
- At these speeds, even specialists do not have time to analyze the situation, and everyone who goes well in the city, - a potential suicide bomber. For advice - think his head before the press on the gas ...
Author Anatoly Shary