A job you won't get today

Over 600 jobs have disappeared in the last 100 years, and these are just the ones we know of. Technological progress, automation and changes in society have made many professions obsolete. But what exactly disappeared, and what did people do before?
Disappeared professions: a look into the past
1. Ledorub
Before the advent of refrigerators, there were professional icebreakers who harvested ice in winter, stored it in special pits and sold it in summer.
2. Alarm clocks
Before the invention of alarm clocks, there were special people in cities who knocked on windows or used sticks to wake up customers.

3. Telephone operators
Before the advent of automated PBX, female operators connected calls manually, controlling wires on special switches.
4. Lanterns
Before the advent of electric lamps on the streets of cities worked lanterns who lit and extinguished gas lamps.
5. Copiers
Before the spread of photocopiers and computers, documents were manually copied by special workers.
6. Rat hunters
In large cities, there were rat hunters who controlled the rodent population.
The Future of Jobs: What Will Disappear Next?
- Drivers: With the development of self-driving cars, the profession may become unnecessary.
- Cashiers: Automated stores without staff are becoming a reality.
- Standard case lawyers: Artificial intelligence already analyzes court cases and compiles documents.
History shows that the disappearance of professions is a natural process. However, people are always finding new ways to make money by adapting to change.

- Automation The process of replacing human labor with machines and programs.
- Switch - a device for manual connection of telephone lines.
- Industrialization The process of transition from manual labor to machine production.
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