How to name a child in 2024, not “village” and not like everyone
The new year dictates new rules. The world around us is changing every minute, which means the perception of the world is changing. Every day a new human life comes into this world, a boy or a girl. Parents take responsibility for the future of the new person. And one of the first questions that parents face this year is: What to name a child in 2024? Editorial "Site" I decided to make this task a little easier for parents and prepared a list of popular trends in names.
For the second year in Ukraine, hostilities continue, and more families are forced to leave for Europe. London, Paris and Berlin flooded Tanya, Lena, Marina. For Europeans, such names are sometimes difficult to pronounce, and they change them in their own way. And if the name can be transformed, it turns out very cool. But not all names can be adapted for Europe, and then, most likely, you will have to choose a different name.
The opposite situation is developing in Ukraine itself in 2024. More and more parents are leaning towards Americanization and Europeanization. This trend in names continued for a long time. So today, there are a lot of Olivia, Amelia, Martins and so on going to kindergarten and elementary school. But it sounds beautiful while the child is still young, but in adulthood it can even be funny.
Today, overseas names will not surprise anyone, and parents, against the background of growing patriotism, turned to folk roots. For several years in a row, such names as Stefania, Bazhana, Varvara, Polina, Zhadana, Melania and Solomia are popular. Among the male names, Gleb, Daniil, Lubomir, Klim, Yaroslav, Kirill are becoming more and more widespread. Also over the past two years, children Javelin, Stinger, Mriya, Haimers are increasingly called. Everything that is somehow connected with the events taking place in the country, became a reflection in the names of the future people.
Of course, choosing a name for the future child is a very individual question. Each family decides it in its own way. It is customary to pass the name from generation to generation, regardless of fashion trends and changing living conditions. Someone comes up with a unique and unique name from some of his personal events and meaningful words. Someone is overlaid with dictionaries with the meaning of names, outstanding personalities and characteristics of the name. And for someone it is very important that the name of the child was in the church shrines.
Here, as they say, everyone has their own concept of beauty. But there are things that parents should not forget. No matter what beautiful and unique name they choose for the future child, it is very important that it is combined with the last name. And since in our country patronymic is not the last value and is designated as a connection with ancestors, it is still worth paying attention to how the child will be called in adulthood. Many parents sometimes forget that a child is not a toy, but a separate person. And to go into this world, to create its future, to become a great man. Perhaps your child will become president of the country in the future.
There are many beautiful names in Ukraine. They embody the nature, way of life and character of this area. Many of the names that still sound modern are of pagan origin. Such names characterize the qualities of character that parents endowed their child at birth. This is what future parents are increasingly paying attention to. In this way, you give your child a blessing for a better life and prosperity.
Do you have a story why your parents gave you that name? Write in the comments your attitude to the choice of a name for the child.

For the second year in Ukraine, hostilities continue, and more families are forced to leave for Europe. London, Paris and Berlin flooded Tanya, Lena, Marina. For Europeans, such names are sometimes difficult to pronounce, and they change them in their own way. And if the name can be transformed, it turns out very cool. But not all names can be adapted for Europe, and then, most likely, you will have to choose a different name.

The opposite situation is developing in Ukraine itself in 2024. More and more parents are leaning towards Americanization and Europeanization. This trend in names continued for a long time. So today, there are a lot of Olivia, Amelia, Martins and so on going to kindergarten and elementary school. But it sounds beautiful while the child is still young, but in adulthood it can even be funny.

Today, overseas names will not surprise anyone, and parents, against the background of growing patriotism, turned to folk roots. For several years in a row, such names as Stefania, Bazhana, Varvara, Polina, Zhadana, Melania and Solomia are popular. Among the male names, Gleb, Daniil, Lubomir, Klim, Yaroslav, Kirill are becoming more and more widespread. Also over the past two years, children Javelin, Stinger, Mriya, Haimers are increasingly called. Everything that is somehow connected with the events taking place in the country, became a reflection in the names of the future people.

Of course, choosing a name for the future child is a very individual question. Each family decides it in its own way. It is customary to pass the name from generation to generation, regardless of fashion trends and changing living conditions. Someone comes up with a unique and unique name from some of his personal events and meaningful words. Someone is overlaid with dictionaries with the meaning of names, outstanding personalities and characteristics of the name. And for someone it is very important that the name of the child was in the church shrines.

Here, as they say, everyone has their own concept of beauty. But there are things that parents should not forget. No matter what beautiful and unique name they choose for the future child, it is very important that it is combined with the last name. And since in our country patronymic is not the last value and is designated as a connection with ancestors, it is still worth paying attention to how the child will be called in adulthood. Many parents sometimes forget that a child is not a toy, but a separate person. And to go into this world, to create its future, to become a great man. Perhaps your child will become president of the country in the future.

There are many beautiful names in Ukraine. They embody the nature, way of life and character of this area. Many of the names that still sound modern are of pagan origin. Such names characterize the qualities of character that parents endowed their child at birth. This is what future parents are increasingly paying attention to. In this way, you give your child a blessing for a better life and prosperity.
Do you have a story why your parents gave you that name? Write in the comments your attitude to the choice of a name for the child.
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