Going on a trip in 2024, be sure to look at all the rules for hand luggage

So you're looking forward to riding an iron bird. Holiday, business trip or just looking for a safer place? Wherever you go, it is important to know the rules of hand luggage. What sizes and weights are allowed in 2024 and what can be put in a treasured suitcase? "Site" They will tell you what to take on board and what not.

It should be noted that the rules set by each airline individually, taking into account the size and class of the vessel. Be sure to clarify these points on the official website of the carrier. If your luggage doesn't fit in, it won't be allowed on the plane.

Take only the essentials with you. The following items should be placed in the main luggage:

  1. Manicure scissors (even toys), forceps, cutters, files, tweezers and other sharp objects.
  2. Saws, hammers, strips and other locksmith tools.
  3. Any objects and liquids that may catch fire and flash.
  4. Skiing, umbrellas, weapons (including toys).


See also

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