Roman Kostomarov again shocked fans, saying that he is returning to the ice

Editorial "Site" Follow the news of famous people. We try to share with you the latest and interesting information from the lives of athletes, singers and artists. One of them is a skater. Roman Kostomarov, news for today Very happy about him.

Earlier this year, Roman Kostomarov suffered a very complex form of pneumonia. The doctors were literally fighting for his life. Like any athlete, Roman had no time to take care of his health. In addition, hypothermia on the ice for skaters is a natural phenomenon. For his negligent attitude to health, Kostomarov sacrificed his hands and feet. Roman was depressed for a long time and did not get in touch with his fans.

Thanks to his beloved wife and family Roman Kostomarov managed to get out of depression and want to live again. He actively began to train and get used to prosthetics. Today he is actively swimming in the pool and running on the treadmill. The most difficult thing is to get used to the absence of hands. Roman dreams that modern prostheses will allow him to partially perform his usual actions. The ability to hold a spoon or cup is actually so important to a person.

Roman Kostomarov is a real fighter not only on the ice, but also in life. In less than a year, he regained his strength and started training again. He is already actively walking on dentures and dreams of returning to the ice. Even the most optimistic doctors could not dream of it. But the perseverance of Roman defeated this obstacle. Recently, a stunning video appeared on the Internet. Roman himself wrote about his main victory in his Telegram channel: “I went out on ice.”

When Roman took only his first steps on the ice, his successes were seen by his parents. Today, his first steps on the ice after his amputation are tracked by an entire crew. Of course, it is difficult for Roman to be on the ice without qualified help, but this is a great success. And this success together with Roman rejoice his family and friends. And thousands of fans who were so worried about his health and fate.

The truth is that athletes are very hardy and strong. They sacrifice a lot for great victories in competitions. Often on the altar of fame they put health and family well-being. Roman Kostomarov today is a huge example for many of the strength of courage. As well as a reminder that you should not forget about your health and consult a doctor on time. Even the slightest cold can lead to serious consequences. Are you looking after your health? Write in the comments what symptoms you pay attention to.


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