On my 50th birthday, I got a phone call, an unfamiliar male voice gave me news that made me instantly sober.
Life in pregnancy Some women may not be much different from life without it. In social networks you can see a lot of photos of pregnant women playing sports, going to work, doing household chores, cleaning and even repairs. At the same time, they constantly consult with doctors to keep everything under control as much as possible. And as a result, they give happy, healthy offspring.
Peels People around them treat this behavior differently. Some only twist their finger at the temple and advise to insure their health, because there is little that can happen. Others support, advise to consolidate the result by active raw food and childbirth in the pool. In their opinion, it will be even better. Well, the older generation only piously spits over the left shoulder and does not forget to overshadow themselves with the sign of the cross. Same point of view.
When you realize that by the fifth ten you still have no children, you begin to treat it easier. Well, it happened. Bad luck. What can we do now, the light did not come down on them, on these children. But you can live for your pleasure, make risky transactions, not be distracted by caring for someone else’s life.
While your peers saved every penny, you lived, worked, created. Now you have more opportunities and less debt. Not just in front of unborn children. And in front of the banks. “Little children are little poor.” And paying for education at the institute for an adult child in our time is very expensive. And then you have to buy an apartment! Childless people don't have that problem.
Therefore, Grigory Alekseevich was almost always in a good mood and good health. He did not shout at his subordinates, loved his wife, went to work sleepy and full. Speaking of which. It's been five years since he and his wife got hooked on some culinary show and since then have become very fat. Grigory Alekseevich still nothing, held on. But his wife, Snezhana Arkhipovna, went into all seriousness.
With its growth of about a meter and eighty centimeters, it was visible even from afar. The woman’s waist was missing, and the beautiful large beads around her neck, of which she was so proud, turned into an object marking the place where previously this very neck could be seen somehow. Passion for delicious food has its consequences.
Nevertheless, the wife of the big boss loved to dress up and take care of herself. So her wardrobe was filled with large dresses, on the tags of which there were numerous “ixes” where the clothes were supposed to indicate the size. And these Xs have been getting bigger lately. “As always, I have recovered for the summer season. It's like a curse. All I thought was Snezhan Arkhipovna.
That day, on the fiftieth anniversary of her husband, Snezhan, as always, was late. Having sprung out of the apartment in the morning, she only left a note to her husband that she would come to the restaurant in the evening. After all, she needs to put herself in order, and also make a branded “chic” hairstyle. The man knew about the habits of his beloved and, sighing loudly, only put the note aside.
Without waiting for the evening, the birthday boy called friends so that they, without much control and female supervision, could relax in purely male company. In the course went light hot drinks and snacks. Later, when everyone was there and the party began, Grigory tried to call his wife several times, but everything was in vain.
A few shots of excitement visited the man’s mind, but he thought to himself that his wife had just decided to give him another surprise. Well, she loves it, you gotta play along. And when an hour later the phone rang in his pocket, the fertile and cheerful culprit even at first did not understand why he heard an unfamiliar male voice from his wife’s phone number.
At the other end of the line, a man greeted him. Indistinctly introduced himself and congratulated Grigory Alekseevich on two occasions at once. First of all, happy birthday. And, secondly, happy birthday of his son. The boy was born strong, under 5 pounds of weight. Nativity is now resting, but as soon as she can, she will call back. By the way, the address of the hospital ...
After 15 minutes, a business class taxi rushed to the very door of the hospital. His wife had already rested and smiled cheerfully. Who knew their first child would come so suddenly? It turned out that you can get pregnant at the age of 50. However, in this case, you need to monitor your health in general, and weight in particular. Otherwise, such surprises may occur.
Peels Grigory Alekseevich always considered himself a strong man, able to restrain any emotions. But this time his composure let him down and he couldn't hold back his tears. It was the best gift of his life. I don't care if he thought it was good to be childless. He'll be a father and a son. What could be better for a man his age? He cried, and so did his tired but immeasurably happy wife. Now the two of them will start a whole new life.

Peels People around them treat this behavior differently. Some only twist their finger at the temple and advise to insure their health, because there is little that can happen. Others support, advise to consolidate the result by active raw food and childbirth in the pool. In their opinion, it will be even better. Well, the older generation only piously spits over the left shoulder and does not forget to overshadow themselves with the sign of the cross. Same point of view.
When you realize that by the fifth ten you still have no children, you begin to treat it easier. Well, it happened. Bad luck. What can we do now, the light did not come down on them, on these children. But you can live for your pleasure, make risky transactions, not be distracted by caring for someone else’s life.

While your peers saved every penny, you lived, worked, created. Now you have more opportunities and less debt. Not just in front of unborn children. And in front of the banks. “Little children are little poor.” And paying for education at the institute for an adult child in our time is very expensive. And then you have to buy an apartment! Childless people don't have that problem.
Therefore, Grigory Alekseevich was almost always in a good mood and good health. He did not shout at his subordinates, loved his wife, went to work sleepy and full. Speaking of which. It's been five years since he and his wife got hooked on some culinary show and since then have become very fat. Grigory Alekseevich still nothing, held on. But his wife, Snezhana Arkhipovna, went into all seriousness.

With its growth of about a meter and eighty centimeters, it was visible even from afar. The woman’s waist was missing, and the beautiful large beads around her neck, of which she was so proud, turned into an object marking the place where previously this very neck could be seen somehow. Passion for delicious food has its consequences.
Nevertheless, the wife of the big boss loved to dress up and take care of herself. So her wardrobe was filled with large dresses, on the tags of which there were numerous “ixes” where the clothes were supposed to indicate the size. And these Xs have been getting bigger lately. “As always, I have recovered for the summer season. It's like a curse. All I thought was Snezhan Arkhipovna.
That day, on the fiftieth anniversary of her husband, Snezhan, as always, was late. Having sprung out of the apartment in the morning, she only left a note to her husband that she would come to the restaurant in the evening. After all, she needs to put herself in order, and also make a branded “chic” hairstyle. The man knew about the habits of his beloved and, sighing loudly, only put the note aside.

Without waiting for the evening, the birthday boy called friends so that they, without much control and female supervision, could relax in purely male company. In the course went light hot drinks and snacks. Later, when everyone was there and the party began, Grigory tried to call his wife several times, but everything was in vain.
A few shots of excitement visited the man’s mind, but he thought to himself that his wife had just decided to give him another surprise. Well, she loves it, you gotta play along. And when an hour later the phone rang in his pocket, the fertile and cheerful culprit even at first did not understand why he heard an unfamiliar male voice from his wife’s phone number.

At the other end of the line, a man greeted him. Indistinctly introduced himself and congratulated Grigory Alekseevich on two occasions at once. First of all, happy birthday. And, secondly, happy birthday of his son. The boy was born strong, under 5 pounds of weight. Nativity is now resting, but as soon as she can, she will call back. By the way, the address of the hospital ...
After 15 minutes, a business class taxi rushed to the very door of the hospital. His wife had already rested and smiled cheerfully. Who knew their first child would come so suddenly? It turned out that you can get pregnant at the age of 50. However, in this case, you need to monitor your health in general, and weight in particular. Otherwise, such surprises may occur.

Peels Grigory Alekseevich always considered himself a strong man, able to restrain any emotions. But this time his composure let him down and he couldn't hold back his tears. It was the best gift of his life. I don't care if he thought it was good to be childless. He'll be a father and a son. What could be better for a man his age? He cried, and so did his tired but immeasurably happy wife. Now the two of them will start a whole new life.
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