Cats were known as arrogant and antisocial creatures, but it's not at all true, it's all about you.

It is believed that if you want to have a friendly and affectionate pet, then choose a dog. After all, cats have a reputation as real sociopaths, for whom a person is not a master and friend, but simply someone who brings food. Is that true? And how catfish Does it depend on the behavior of those around you?

Today's edition. "Site" Ask if cats can be sociable and what makes them love solitude. Perhaps the problem is not so much in the cat as in the quirks of its owners?

Researchers have made many observations to prove that a domestic cat should not be considered a selfish scoundrel. Experiments have shown that domestic cats (as well as cats in shelters) are quite sociable and even seek human attention. But the wrong attitude towards the animal just provokes his indifference.

After analyzing the behavior and frequency of meowing, the researchers found that cats were more likely to spend time with people who showed attention to animals. And this applies to domestic cats and purring from shelters.

However, shelter cats were more likely to contact strangers than domestic cats. Also, cats from shelters were more persistent and meowed more often when people did not show them proper attention.

It has also been observed that the social behavior of cats also differs depending on the individual traits of a particular animal. Many do not know, but cats can be both extroverts and introverts.

However, the results of the study showed that cats can not be considered loners. They feel comfortable alone and in good company. Therefore, if a person demonstrates his position to the cat, then the animal will be more sympathetic to such a “two-legged”.

If we go back to earlier studies, then in the 80s of the last century it was found out that cats are more prone to begging than, for example, dogs or primates. This conclusion will not surprise cat owners. After all, you just have to sit at the table, as the pet will immediately be near in the hope of getting something tasty. Even if he was literally just eating.


It is also found that the cat perfectly distinguishes familiar people from strangers. She pays less attention to the latter. But most of all, the appearance of the owner causes animal emotions.

When the most important person is in sight, the cat even raises blood pressure. She responds more and more to his gestures and words. Of course, in many ways this can indicate that the animal expects to get a tasty or a little caress. Therefore, do not deceive the expectations of the pet, then he will always be happy with your appearance.

How's your cat doing? Dislikes everyone and avoids communication? Or are they willing to go out with little people?