Amanita pyramid and Amanita muscaria

Amanita pyramidera and Amanita muscaria are two different species of fungi belonging to the same genus - Amanita. However, they have several differences.
The appearance of mushrooms Amanita pyramidifera and Amanita muscaria is quite similar: both species have a characteristic hat and leg. However, Amanita muscaria hat has a brighter color - red or orange, and it has white spots. The mushroom leg is thinner and usually has a white or yellowish color.
Another difference between mushrooms is their toxicity. Amanita muscaria contains several poisonous substances, including muscarin, which can cause hallucinations and other psychotropic effects. However, Amanita muscaria is also used in religious rites and traditional medicine.
Unlike Amanita muscaria, Amanita Pyramidifera is considered one of the most dangerous poisonous mushrooms containing amanitoxins, which can cause serious complications, including death. Pyramidifer is not used for cultural or medical purposes.
Thus, although both types of fungi share similarities in appearance, they differ in their toxicity and use.
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The whole family gathered in the kitchen, discussing an important family issue, but the daughter-in-law was asked to wait in the other room.