Veduña announced the main envious of the zodiac sign, they can not survive the success of others

What is envy? A familiar feeling that everyone knows. Feeling a little jealous is normal. It motivates a person not to stop there and stimulates healthy competition, it forces him to develop and engage in self-education. The problem arises when envy has no limits. After all, envious people poison their black envy life not only themselves, but also others.


Painful feeling can negatively affect the human psyche and provoke even attacks of aggression towards people more successful, as it seems to him. He can plot and harm the property and health of a lucky neighbor or competitor. Astrologers believe that there are zodiac signs that are more prone to envy than others. And the newsroom. "Site" It tells you who these zodiac signs are.

According to astrologers, representatives of the three signs of the zodiac are most sensitive to other people’s achievements and fame. They have a rather complex character, are prone to hypocrisy and react inadequately to the successes of other people. Who are they? Let's find out.

Their element is air. Representatives of this sign are impermanent, like the wind, and have an explosive character. They do not know how to trust people and rarely meet true friends because they do not believe in the sincerity of human feelings.

The selfishness of Libra is manifested in the focus on their own problems and achievements, they are fixated on the concepts of benefit. They find it hard to realize that generosity can pay dividends and benefit them. They're looking at competition everywhere.

Aquarius is driven by the element of Air, or rather, quiet calm. They are prone to daydreaming and are able to make plans for a long time, instead of taking decisive actions to bring the idea to life. Therefore, when Aquarius sees a successful person, undisguised envy creeps into his soul.

Representatives of this sign risk lingering in losers if they do not change their attitude to reality. They should look at the current situation and realize that the dream will remain a dream if nothing is done to realize it.

They are subject to the elements of Fire and are somewhat two-faced. Lions can covertly gloat if competitors fail, although in the company of colleagues or friends they are known as cheerful and good-natured people.

They constantly strive to lead in everything, and if they do not succeed, their personal self-esteem suffers first. It is difficult for lions to realize their mistakes, they are everywhere looking for the guilty and blame their own failures on the machinations of detractors.

No matter what astrologers and horoscopes say, jealous people can be found among representatives of other zodiac signs. Just take a closer look at your surroundings, and you will notice the elementary signs of envy. The main reason for this low feeling is low self-esteem.

And if you do not twist your soul and dig into your memory, then every frank person will remember several cases when he was jealous of others. The main thing is to control the feeling of envy and direct it in the right direction, so that it helps to improve yourself and move forward. Are you an envious person?


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