Which of the zodiac signs Black Rabbit will give wild luck

The favorite of our readers, Angela Pearl, has already prepared a tarot forecast for 2023. I study her advice carefully, so as not to accidentally, by rash action, offend the patron of the year, the furry Rabbit.

Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what. zodiac 2023 will be particularly successful. All about love and career!

Tarot forecast for 2023

Travel, relocation and new, better quality living conditionsThey are waiting for Aries in the first half of the year. However, you will need to control your emotions. This applies to all situations. It is important to make decisions with a cool head and listen to your intuition.

March will be very important and special in terms of change. We may have to make fateful decisions. There is a high probability of changing status and receiving news of pregnancy.


Taurus 2023 will periodically arrange checks for Taurus. The year will be a big test in terms of career and business. But for good reason, huge changes are underway in these areas. But don’t worry, you’ll get it done!

In terms of personal life, everything will go as well as possible. Those who wish to hear the offer of their hands and hearts will be happy with the twists of fate. Health will be strong.


The year of the rabbit will be about new beginnings. Fortune will give Gemini luck in all cases when they are ready to change the old for the new. A great year for change on all fronts - start learning new things, look for unusual scenarios, instill new habits - everything will work out!

But if you decide to hold on to the old and the usual - you will be disappointed at the end of the year, you will understand that time is wasted and you will sharply realize all your mistakes.


The coming year brings hope for cancer. change. And the main thing is to believe in yourself and that all obstacles are given in order to reach a new level in all areas of your life!

In love, Cancers will worry about their partners who may lose their jobs or ruin their relationship with their family, and your loved one will need support to be there.


Leo Arcan of The Hermit speaks of the importance of solitude to make a fateful decision. This year, many Leos will meet their teacher, who will open their eyes to what is happening and help you achieve your dreams faster. Nature trips are good.

Changes in the field of work are possible. The financials will change, but don’t worry, you’ll have enough. It is important to make decisions quickly but with a cold head.


Virgo In 2023 Virgo 100% expect change! It is possible to change a profession or move to a new job. The thought will appear: “I deserve, I can afford luxury and comfort.” It is possible to relax in a good place and a successful business partnership.

In the second half of the year, an important process is expected to be completed. Overcoming fear will bear financial fruit. This is a very good year for Virgos!


Libra 2023 will bring Libra a lot fortune-gift. These are meetings with relatives, financial opportunities and romantic relationships. A change of status is possible: marriage, childbirth or divorce.

There may be minor difficulties with work. It is important to listen to your intuition and not to succumb to other people's persuasion. For good health, observe the regime of sleep and rest.


The year 2023 will begin with enjoying yourself and life, realizing your own importance and well-deserved success. Spring and early summer are all about setting goals. Representatives of this sign should take care of their beloved, as well as engage in career and relationships.

The end of summer and September are the time of balance. Scorpio will find himself, his happiness and place in life. The year ends with an internal transformation, changes in life and finding a new path.


Sagittarius Year will start with good news related to the family. Lonely Sagittarius in 2023 will definitely meet their love, and family will move to a new, more qualitative level of relationships. A business opened in the year of the Rabbit will bring success. It’s a news that will change your life 100% for the better.

The year will be filled with travel, financial well-being and joyous events related to personal life and friends. Health will not fail!


Capricorn Due to External Situations change. This can be related to work or moving. Payments, benefits or money for children should be expected in the first half of the year. Adult children will become more independent, perhaps it will be associated with learning.

In the second half of the year, the old world will be destroyed. What did not bring joy will be a thing of the past. The last three months of the year will bring a lot of happiness and pleasure. The door will open for new opportunities!


There will be many flights, trips, activities and communications. Subsequently, this will bring new acquaintances and material well-being.

From spring you will need to calm down, stop and understand your place in life. After the middle of the summer, you should persistently go to your goals, develop spiritually. It's important to believe in yourself! 2023 will end for Aquarius with active social activities, acquaintances and development in a new position.


Representatives of this sign in 2023 will complete the processes that they began in the previous two years. It will be a period of taking stock. After that, the picture of the world will expand, new opportunities will appear.

At the end of the year, you should think about new training. It is possible to change status: marriage, divorce or the birth of a child. It is favorable to change the place of residence and make repairs.


I also propose to find out how the world will change in 2023 and what to prepare for. Predictions from Vlad Ross!

All esotericists vyingly say that the year of the Black Water Rabbit will be much softer and kinder to each of us than the year 2022 of the Tiger.

How do you like the tarot forecast for 2023? from Angela Pearl.? Do you believe what the tarologist predicts?


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