Quick cleaning scheme with refrigerator by default

Who of the housewives does not dream of a fabulous magic wand, so that with one stroke of it all the chores around the house are instantly remade!

As long as this device is beyond reach, "Site" offer 7 Tips to Facilitate the Cleaning Process You will be surprised, but such small things really make life easier!

How to clean an apartment quickly
  1. Put the shelves and bottom of the containers in the refrigerator plastic matsSo you can easily eliminate pollution by simply changing the layer of paper. Of course, this does not eliminate the need for regular cleaning, but it will make it much easier.

  2. Buy it (you can even make it yourself) pendant: very convenient for storing small things. I hung them from the inside of the wardrobe and never regretted it!

  3. Detergents And keep the sponges in one basket. Next time you don’t have to find the right thing.

  4. If there is no opportunity (or desire) dishwash Right after the meal, don't forget to soak it. You don’t have to take the rest of the food off the plate.

  5. If you want freshly washed clothes to smell longer, add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the washing product. This trick will also avoid the reproduction of mold in the machine.

  6. And stainless-shell It did not darken, and it did not accumulate plaque, every time after washing the dishes, wipe it with a sponge dipped in a vinegar essence. Then you will not need to use aggressive cleaning agents.

  7. And one last trick. Psychological. During regular cleaning, before you start cleaning any item, turn on timerAllocating 5 minutes to the case. You’ll be surprised how much faster you can get a job done when your time is strictly limited.

All these tricks are easy to implement. And if they get into the habit, you'll see how much less time it takes to clean up next time. Now you can relax and immerse yourself in reading your favorite book!

Try these tricks and make sure you share them with others!


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