How to Create and Maintain a Luxury Image

The art of looking neat and tasteful should be owned by any woman. After 30, this is a necessity, not an option.

To look stylish and expensive, you do not need to have too much money. Expensive cosmetics are not always suitable for the type of skin, and clothes of popular brands do not always put the fair sex in the best light. In the pursuit of trends often lose their own style.

Fashion experts told what things contribute to the creation of not the best image of a woman. Today's edition. "Site" Please provide a list of what cheapener. “Honey, all these things are not that outdated, they were never good!” – says one of the leading stylists. And he seems damn right!

Stylish and fashionable woman
  1. Basic things. - the basis of the basics, and thanks to them you can easily create absolutely any image in any style. But a motley frantic set of leopard dresses in sticky, jeans with a heart and questionable blouses in the style of “corporate in the office” will not only constantly create the problem of “nothing to wear”, but will inevitably turn you into a “woman of indefinite age”. 808093

  2. Dress, and especially jeans in rhinestones, sequins and artificial stones have long been associated with rural fashion. Of course, the sequins themselves are not to blame. You just need to be able to combine them and understand where you are going in this thing. Dress in sequins for a New Year's party is more than appropriate, but work in such an outfit certainly should not be put on.

  3. No matter how stylish and topical the image, greasy hair collected in a liquid tail, or a disheveled “crow’s nest” can ruthlessly kill him. And in this case, neither accessories nor the “right” shoes will save you from deafening. flop.

  4. Pay attention to your manicure. Remember that your hands should be well maintained. It doesn’t matter how much your suit or handbag is worth, if your nails are covered with varnish.

  5. Being a gray mouse is definitely not worth it, but a wardrobe in all colors of the rainbow will definitely not make you more luxurious and attractive. Too many motley clothes are appropriate only on models participating in high fashion shows. In ordinary life, according to the rules of stylists everyday It should consist of 2-3-5 shades.

  6. T-shirts and dresses with questionable inscriptions: “daring”, “looking for a husband”, “queen”, “princess” and others, fortunately, practically disappeared if not from the shelves of shops, then from the everyday wardrobes. However, many still buy cheap and specific prints. Dress in small peas, an abundance of Mickey Mouse on T-shirts and pants masquerading as a zebra or even a snake, it is better to remove in the far corner of the closet.

  7. Always take tags off your clothes. Sometimes even the most thoughtful image spoils the sticking tag.

To look wealthy, you need to submit yourself correctly and very carefully to the selection of clothes. British fashion experts have offered very good advice for those who want to look flawless. Be sure to get acquainted!

Don't run after fashion. It is much better to be able to create your own image, which will allow style anytime. Of course, the opinion of each person regarding the ratio “expensive-cheap” is subjective. Some people like one thing, while others have different preferences.

Remember that the main emphasis should not be on physical value, but on a well-groomed appearance, skill. makeupHair and manicure.


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