What do different colors of sponges mean for washing dishes?

Washing dishes can hardly be called a pleasant kitchen activity. However, this task must be faced every day. And since the dishwasher is installed units, the most popular assistant when washing dishes is the usual foam sponge.

And today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you how to do it. sponge What role does the color play in this important matter? It turns out that there are subtleties that even experienced housewives do not pay attention to.

The usual colored pieces of foam are in almost every kitchen. However, their bright color we perceive as a normal marketing move, and therefore do not think that the color of the washing sponge may hide its characteristics.

Moreover, you should pay attention to the color of the abrasive part - the hard side, which is used to wash the most persistent pollution like burned food.

This hard material is called Scotch Bright by manufacturers. It is made of coarse fibers and simply glued to a foam base. Just the color of this Scotch Bright and should pay attention, because it indicates the possibilities of abrasive material.

Cleaning sponges with a green abrasive side can get rid of even the most severe pollution. However, such a hard material can easily spoil some coatings, leave scratches. Even enameled dishes with such a sponge can be damaged, so you should be careful.

If the sponge has a red Scotch Bright, it means that its abrasive part is medium in stiffness. This is often the best choice, because such a sponge is easy to remove persistent contamination and even remove dried food. In this case, the dishes are almost not threatened with scratches after intense friction.

As for the yellow color, they are painted the lightest sponges, which should be washed, for example, glassware. This material is quite gently handles the contaminated surface, and therefore it is better to rub properly.

As you can see, you should pay attention not only to the size and quality of the kitchen sponge, but also to the color of its abrasive side. But now you know, What a sponge to wash dishes withSo that your favorite plates and pearls are always clean, but without scratches.


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