What is the value of home prayer
The doors of the church are always open when we are happy and sad, when we are healthy or seek healing.
In 2020, in connection with the epidemic of the coronavirus in the world, the Pope first addressed the parishioners with a sermon using the Internet broadcast. In Italy, there was a strict quarantine, but at the same time Orthodox churches were not closed.
There are fewer reported cases of infection, but they do exist. entrance It's still open. In this regard, and for personal hygiene purposes, it is better to adhere to certain rules when attending church.
Behavior in the temple
Orthodox cathedrals and temples They do not want to close, because there has never been such a thing in history that a person cannot go to church and pray. But we must remember that regardless of whether we were able to go to the temple of God, our Savior is always there. In the 3rd chapter of Revelation from John it is said:Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he is with me.?
St. Macarius the Great at one of his sermons gave an inspiring speech and gave an interpretation of the Holy Scripture to his parishioners: “Let us accept God and the Lord, the true doctor.” Having come and worked hard for us, he alone can heal our souls. For He strikes continually at the doors of our hearts, that we may open to Him, and He has gone up and rested in our souls, and we have washed and anointed His feet, and He has made a dwelling place among us.
“I stand at the door; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will go in to him.” For this reason He pleased to suffer much, having delivered His body to death, and having redeemed us from bondage, that, having come to our soul, He might make a dwelling place in it. Therefore also to those who will be set up in his judgment, and whom he will send with the devil into hell. The LORD will say, “Beh is strange, and do not inform Me; be smothered, and you will not give Me vengeance; be thirsty, and do not complain to Me” (Matthew 25:42-43).
For food, drink, clothing, cover, and rest are in our souls. Therefore, he constantly strikes at the door, wanting to come to us. Let us receive Him and bring Him within us, for He is food, life, drink, and eternal life. And every soul that has not received him into itself, and has not rested him in itself now, or rather has not rested itself in him, has no inheritance with the saints in the kingdom of heaven, and cannot enter the city of heaven.
We must not be discouraged, pray and hope for the best. But do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene. God will take care of us if we are patient in our prayers. Do not forget to do everything possible to take care of our loved ones.

In 2020, in connection with the epidemic of the coronavirus in the world, the Pope first addressed the parishioners with a sermon using the Internet broadcast. In Italy, there was a strict quarantine, but at the same time Orthodox churches were not closed.
There are fewer reported cases of infection, but they do exist. entrance It's still open. In this regard, and for personal hygiene purposes, it is better to adhere to certain rules when attending church.

Behavior in the temple
- It is better not to kiss icons and religious attributes, you can limit yourself to bowing. 489148
- During communion, try to open your mouth wide and not close it until the father takes out the spoon. This spoon is better not to lick and not only during an epidemic.
- Elderly people and young children, all who belong to the vulnerable category of the population, can stay at home and pray on their own.
- With poor health, you need to isolate yourself and consult a family doctor. Wear a mask if you feel symptoms to protect loved ones and people you come into contact with. If you feel that you need to confess, you can ask your friends to visit you at home.
Orthodox cathedrals and temples They do not want to close, because there has never been such a thing in history that a person cannot go to church and pray. But we must remember that regardless of whether we were able to go to the temple of God, our Savior is always there. In the 3rd chapter of Revelation from John it is said:Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he is with me.?

St. Macarius the Great at one of his sermons gave an inspiring speech and gave an interpretation of the Holy Scripture to his parishioners: “Let us accept God and the Lord, the true doctor.” Having come and worked hard for us, he alone can heal our souls. For He strikes continually at the doors of our hearts, that we may open to Him, and He has gone up and rested in our souls, and we have washed and anointed His feet, and He has made a dwelling place among us.

“I stand at the door; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will go in to him.” For this reason He pleased to suffer much, having delivered His body to death, and having redeemed us from bondage, that, having come to our soul, He might make a dwelling place in it. Therefore also to those who will be set up in his judgment, and whom he will send with the devil into hell. The LORD will say, “Beh is strange, and do not inform Me; be smothered, and you will not give Me vengeance; be thirsty, and do not complain to Me” (Matthew 25:42-43).

For food, drink, clothing, cover, and rest are in our souls. Therefore, he constantly strikes at the door, wanting to come to us. Let us receive Him and bring Him within us, for He is food, life, drink, and eternal life. And every soul that has not received him into itself, and has not rested him in itself now, or rather has not rested itself in him, has no inheritance with the saints in the kingdom of heaven, and cannot enter the city of heaven.

We must not be discouraged, pray and hope for the best. But do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene. God will take care of us if we are patient in our prayers. Do not forget to do everything possible to take care of our loved ones.
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