Twelve Wonderful Houseplants
Unusual houseplants This is a home decoration, this is the passion of lovers of green corners! We know the cactus and the fat girl, but what about their relatives? Almost all the handsome presented are succulents. They do not require too painstaking and complex care procedures. Created for beauty, caresses the look!
Beautiful indoor plants Unusual samples
The most beautiful houseplants The ones we want to take care of every day. Tell us in the comments what green friends live in your home! It is wonderful to see a piece of nature at home.

Beautiful indoor plants Unusual samples
- Dolphin succulents (Senecio peregrinus)
Very popular plant in Japan! Each leaf resembles a small dolphin splashing in the waves. The pot blooms like this: there is a long stem with a cup and pale pink flowers. A miracle! - Japanese Moss Marimo (Marimo moss balls)
This is an unusual algae that does not like direct sunlight. Wonderful decoration of the aquarium, but can exist independently in a separate container, as a pleasing element of decor! Marimo, or cladophore, is considered symbolBecause it grows very, very slowly: an emerald ball can grow in size by as little as 5 to 7 mm per year. A small ball of algae can live about 200 years, because in some Japanese families it is customary to pass the plant by inheritance. Brings good luck and prosperity to the owner! - Trachiandra (Trachyandra)
Jellyfish tentacles or curls? This plant is very unpretentious, native to Africa, used to live under the scorching sun, so you need to water it once a week. A real alien among houseplants! - Crassula Umbella (Crassula Umbella)
A close relative of the usual money tree. Loves light and fresh air. One of the names is “Wine Glass.” How amazing is the nature that created such a masterpiece! - Fat milk (Euphorbia obesa)
He is from Africa, but can withstand the cold! What a plump... It keeps moisture inside like a cactus. Flowers from 5-8 years old, and its flowers are extremely beautiful! - Jellyfish Head (Euphorbia saput-medusae)
Poisonous plant, but it looks so original! It blooms yellow. Gorgonaria is another name for this very unpretentious green inhabitant of the house. Loves dry air and cool! - Platycerium (Platycerium)
The deer fern looks like flat deer horns! Perfectly arranged on the walls: in nature, this plant lives on trees. It will become a bright decoration of any interior! - Tirucalli milk (Euphorbia tirucalli)
From the juice of this plant, rubber was extracted before! Milkweed juice is the purest poison, but how fascinatingly beautiful it is. "Fire Sticks" is one of the names. - Haworthia Cooperi (Haworthia cooperi)
In nature, the plant grows on rocks and is a favorite delicacy of mountain goats and sheep. The miniature rosettes of the pothole are fascinating, you can see entire universes inside! This is the green friend I will dream of. - Sedum morganianum (Sedum morganianum)
Do these strange leaves remind you of a donkey tail? This is what this plant is sometimes called. It is quite demanding and loves a lot of sunlight! But he will thank the owner with flowers of indescribable beauty. - Corkscrew grass (Corkscrew grass)
Extremely fast growing! The curls look like some diligent florist has been working on them for a long time. But it's not. The leaves themselves curl in an amazing way! Would you like to decorate your kitchen with this pot? - Gentina urnula (Gentiana urnula)
Unusual, but does not require special care plant! Reminiscent of a starfish, looks great in composition on an alpine slide. It looks magical...
The most beautiful houseplants The ones we want to take care of every day. Tell us in the comments what green friends live in your home! It is wonderful to see a piece of nature at home.