From lard I cook “Love Rolls”, from spices goes around the head, taste unparalleled
Cooking lard There may be many options and ways. But the fact remains. Salo is a universal component. It equally perfectly complements hearty borscht and light snack canapes. Moreover, even rolls can be prepared from lard. Let them be very unusual, but still delicious.
Peels Preparation We suggest you make rolly for the festive table. Such a snack will not only pleasantly surprise guests, but also satisfy hunger well. In addition, this fat can be presented in different ways. You just need to add a little imagination. Use swords if you want to add other ingredients to the savory lard.
Peels Favorite Component Ingredients
Peels Interesting Snack Cooking
In the first plate with lard, add black pepper and finely sliced fresh dill. Just keep in mind that the greens really should be as fine as possible. In the second plate send salt, pepper black and red, paprika. The third is black pepper and turmeric. Now stock up on food film and dry herbs. Cut the required amount of film and sprinkle it with dry greens. Then transfer the lard to the film using a spoon or pastry bag. Wrap the lard in a film like it's candy, and send it all in. freezer.
Keep sausages from lard in the freezer you need about two hours. Then remove them from the fridge and remove the film. Cut the lard into the lard slicing And try every kind of food. If it seems that spices are not enough, then they can be added. To do this, again pour the necessary spices on the food film and wrap lard with it.
Peels This cooking lard gives the green light experimentation. You can add your favorite ingredients and turn regular lard into an exquisite snack. For example, make canapé from black bread, pickle and pickled grapes, ham and lard with spices. It's going to be delicious. In addition, savory fat will successfully fit into the scenario of gatherings for a mug of foam.

Peels Preparation We suggest you make rolly for the festive table. Such a snack will not only pleasantly surprise guests, but also satisfy hunger well. In addition, this fat can be presented in different ways. You just need to add a little imagination. Use swords if you want to add other ingredients to the savory lard.

Peels Favorite Component Ingredients
- 1 kg of lard
- pepper
- fennel
- salt
- garlic
- paprika
- dry-green
- turmeric

Peels Interesting Snack Cooking
- Try to choose lard without meat streaks. In this recipe, they will only interfere. Remove everything from the piece superfluous. Like the skin. Cut the lard into small pieces and pass them through the meat grinder.
- Clean the necessary amount of garlic and add it immediately to the meat grinder, while scrolling the pieces of lard. Then carefully stir the resulting fat-mousse And divide it into different plates. This recipe involves the preparation of three different rolls.

In the first plate with lard, add black pepper and finely sliced fresh dill. Just keep in mind that the greens really should be as fine as possible. In the second plate send salt, pepper black and red, paprika. The third is black pepper and turmeric. Now stock up on food film and dry herbs. Cut the required amount of film and sprinkle it with dry greens. Then transfer the lard to the film using a spoon or pastry bag. Wrap the lard in a film like it's candy, and send it all in. freezer.

Keep sausages from lard in the freezer you need about two hours. Then remove them from the fridge and remove the film. Cut the lard into the lard slicing And try every kind of food. If it seems that spices are not enough, then they can be added. To do this, again pour the necessary spices on the food film and wrap lard with it.

Peels This cooking lard gives the green light experimentation. You can add your favorite ingredients and turn regular lard into an exquisite snack. For example, make canapé from black bread, pickle and pickled grapes, ham and lard with spices. It's going to be delicious. In addition, savory fat will successfully fit into the scenario of gatherings for a mug of foam.
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