Dear hostess, today I will tell you how to make stocks of babe for the winter, an invaluable product.
Everyone who is not lazy said that winter will be difficult. I decided not to neglect these reminders and prepare for the cold. We have enough potatoes and other vegetables, canned food is prepared, it remains to make the last preparation - to prepare lard. What kind of house is it if there is no such strategic reserve? And today I decided to tell you how to cook a babe.
Maybe I should start with why I consider it a strategic resource. First of all, you can fry anything on it. Secondly, it makes a great sand dough. You can add it to the dough instead of oil. From the quarks is an excellent roast for borscht or soup. I think borscht without squarks is not a real borscht. Although, I do not cook it often, squarks are not the most dietary product.
Also, squarks can be added to dumplings. With them to stew cabbage or potatoes. All in all, you've realized there are a million useful uses for babe. If something is missing in the winter, the babe will help. Let’s talk about making this wonderful product.
If you don’t have fat, you have to go to the market first. For a babe, you need to choose internal fat, white and clean. This is the key to a successful product. A very important point: under no circumstances was my fat. And in principle, do not allow water to enter. That way the workpiece won't get moldy. That is why it is important to dry and sterilize banks before starting work.
Preparation of babe Salo cut in cubes, put in a pot with a thick bottom. Put it on a slow fire and a little stope. Stir periodically. Don't let the lard burn, because then the lard will darken. When somewhere half the fat is melted, add an onion to the pan right in the husk. You can also add a handful of dried apples, then you will get a very pleasant taste.
The whole process will take several hours, you need to be patient. When the fat melts, and the squarks acquire a golden hue, you can pour. Put a tablespoon in the jar (this is necessary so that the glass does not crack), put a strainer on top. And slowly fill the jars all the way to the top. Don't cover it. The small man should freeze in open dishes so that condensation does not form.
Now the remaining squarks roast to a crisp crust. Then pass them through a blender along with apples and a peeled bulb. Add salt, spices and garlic. Put the squarks in some storage container. When it cools, cover it with lids and send it to a cool place. Squarks can be stored in the refrigerator.
Now you know how to make a babe. With such a reserve, it is not scary to enter the winter. Whatever it is, it is a very satisfying and multifunctional product. They say it's very useful. Although I wouldn't do it, it's fat. What supplies do you make for the winter?

Maybe I should start with why I consider it a strategic resource. First of all, you can fry anything on it. Secondly, it makes a great sand dough. You can add it to the dough instead of oil. From the quarks is an excellent roast for borscht or soup. I think borscht without squarks is not a real borscht. Although, I do not cook it often, squarks are not the most dietary product.

Also, squarks can be added to dumplings. With them to stew cabbage or potatoes. All in all, you've realized there are a million useful uses for babe. If something is missing in the winter, the babe will help. Let’s talk about making this wonderful product.
If you don’t have fat, you have to go to the market first. For a babe, you need to choose internal fat, white and clean. This is the key to a successful product. A very important point: under no circumstances was my fat. And in principle, do not allow water to enter. That way the workpiece won't get moldy. That is why it is important to dry and sterilize banks before starting work.

Preparation of babe Salo cut in cubes, put in a pot with a thick bottom. Put it on a slow fire and a little stope. Stir periodically. Don't let the lard burn, because then the lard will darken. When somewhere half the fat is melted, add an onion to the pan right in the husk. You can also add a handful of dried apples, then you will get a very pleasant taste.

The whole process will take several hours, you need to be patient. When the fat melts, and the squarks acquire a golden hue, you can pour. Put a tablespoon in the jar (this is necessary so that the glass does not crack), put a strainer on top. And slowly fill the jars all the way to the top. Don't cover it. The small man should freeze in open dishes so that condensation does not form.

Now the remaining squarks roast to a crisp crust. Then pass them through a blender along with apples and a peeled bulb. Add salt, spices and garlic. Put the squarks in some storage container. When it cools, cover it with lids and send it to a cool place. Squarks can be stored in the refrigerator.

Now you know how to make a babe. With such a reserve, it is not scary to enter the winter. Whatever it is, it is a very satisfying and multifunctional product. They say it's very useful. Although I wouldn't do it, it's fat. What supplies do you make for the winter?
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