All the mouths opened from how the father put in place the headmistress who mocked his daughter

It's hard to imagine what a father goes through when he's alone with two daughters. However, the hero of our history today seems to have coped with the task assigned to him. Today's edition. "Site" It tells the story of a good father who always supports and protects his children.

All the thoughts of Masha occupied the upcoming ceremony. She was graduating high school, approaching prom. She was worried because she would be awarded in front of the whole school. The girl received a gold medal for her studies, as well as a medal for first place in athletics competitions. True pride of your parents! However, the girl was very worried about everything going well.

Inna saw how her younger sister was going through. It was a special day for her not only because of the awards. She was flooded with memories. Here they are both sitting next to the hospital bed, on which lies a weak and pale mother. Every day she told me how proud she was of them. And that day she took Mary by the hand and said to her, "Mashenka, I so dream to see you at the prom when you graduate with honors." You know, even if I'm not there, I'll look at you from the sky. I will be very proud of my daughter!

That was the last thing Mary heard from her mother. Of course, these words are etched in the memory of a little girl. When my mother died, she went to school. She also went to the sports section. Inna admired how diligent and selfless Masha. She didn’t have the courage to fulfill her mother’s dream. She saw that her father was having a hard time with both of them, so she entered school after 9th grade.

Studying there was easier, so the girl had time to work. Yes, and moved to the hostel, eventually began to pay for it. The father, who worked for them in two jobs, felt better. He dissuaded Inna, asked her to finish her studies. But she didn't want her father to be killed at work for three more years.

Mama's sandals Inna came to see her father and Masha for the weekend. She loved coming home and had to help her father cook. The girl often came to prepare them for the week ahead. This time, Masha ran into her from the doorstep: “Come with me, I’ll show you something.” The girl took her sister to her room, took a box from the table and gave Inna.

There were old worn-out sandals in the box. Masha decided that it would be very symbolic if she wore them when she was presented with the award. The girl glowed with delight. But Inna looked at the sandals without much enthusiasm. They were worn, on the one hand even torn. But she couldn't refuse her sister, so she offered to fix them. That's what they agreed on.

The day of celebration has come. Inna saved up some money to take her sister to the hairdresser and makeup. Dad bought the dress. You can see he didn't spare the money. New shoes were also added to the dress. According to the Machine, she will wear new shoes all evening, but she will wear sandals to receive the award. Inna had just taken them out of repair. They still looked old, but they can hold one pass.

Mary shone with happiness and anticipation. The father looked proudly at his daughter. He was very happy, but there was sadness in his eyes. His girls grew up so fast. The ceremony began. First there were speeches and other common things for such events. And then the award ceremony started. The headmistress called the names of the medalists, they approached, and she said some words of praise or gratitude to everyone.

It's Mary's turn. She held her head up proudly for the award. When the girl approached, the headmistress handed her a medal. Then she drew attention to the girl’s shoes and blurted out: “Mashenka, you are, of course, well done.” Why didn't you ask your parents for new shoes for the holiday? And she said all that into the microphone. There was a laugh in the crowd. Mary froze in place and her eyes filled with tears.


Inna's heart shrank with annoyance. She only managed to notice the back of her father, who walks through the parade ground to the headmistress. He approached, hugged his daughter with one hand, and reached for the microphone in the hands of the presenter. He told everyone to hear: “Masha put on these sandals in memory of her deceased mother. She wanted her mother to see what success Masha had achieved. If beautiful shoes are more important to you than children’s achievements, what can you teach them? ?

Without waiting for an answer, the father turned around and took the girl back to her classmates. All the guests of the mouth opened with surprise. The headmistress became purple, gave the microphone to one of her colleagues and fled. The ceremony continued, and the tension gradually dissolved in the atmosphere of the holiday. Masha and Inna looked at their father with admiration, thanking heaven for having him.

This story about a good father causes only positive emotions, although it is read with tears in your eyes. Fate cruelly treated the girls, depriving them of their mother. But they were lucky to have such a strong, caring and courageous father. He will never let his children be offended. Besides, now they know that impudent and tactless people should be put in their place. A great example for girls for the rest of their lives.

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