There are types of behavior that inevitably lead to the extinction of love fervor, it is worth checking yourself.
Some people in marriage feel that problems with a spouse arise out of the blue. In fact, we are often the cause of conflict. The irritating behavior of the partner is initially hidden behind a veil of barbs to the beloved, omissions and invented problems. Today we will tell you what behavior leads to divorce. Knowing these mistakes can save your marriage.
Seeing a lover every day is the kind of happiness that ends after marriage. Until recently, you walked hand in hand along the embankment, and now you live in a one-room apartment and can not spend a minute alone. It starts to get boring very quickly. It’s simple – there are no couples that are perfect for each other. This means that each person, whether married or not, has his own worldview, work, hobbies, which will necessarily differ from the life of a partner. And that must be respected.
On the other hand, we want a loved one to be involved in our lives as much as possible, to be interested in the same, to spend leisure time nearby. In the process of cohabitation, the true face of the partner is manifested: he either accepts us with all our shortcomings, or he fences off and accuses us of all our sins.
Everyone has good days and bad days. Sometimes conflicts arise because of a bad mood, and spouses begin to project aggression on each other when they can not cope with it. It is worse if the aggression is passive. When a person hides his feelings, he does not go into conflict openly, but implicitly hints that his partner is wrong. Playing in silence, insults, stubbornness lead to the fact that the spouses accumulate negative emotions in themselves. Only when a husband and wife openly admit to each other that they are not satisfied can a solution be found.
Peels Unfunny jokes Over a joke should laugh two. Otherwise, it's not a joke, it's an insult. Innocuous jokes lift the mood and can help relieve tension. But if it concerns the appearance, experience or behavior of the partner, it is better not to make such jokes. The same goes for criticizing your partner.
If love lives for 3 years, how do people manage to live in a marriage with one partner for decades? In marriage, romance evaporates. It is replaced by housework, raising children, fatigue. So people start cheating on each other, and it seems like it's time to get divorced. In fact, the romance women lack in marriage depends on themselves. For a husband to compliment and give flowers, you just need to remember what the relationship was before the wedding. What did each of you do to surprise or delight your loved one?
Walking together, going to a movie or a restaurant should be part of family life, at least occasionally. To think that the wife or husband will not go anywhere is the greatest mistake of spouses. There is no point in living with someone who does not take their partner seriously. When a person stops appreciating a relationship, it ends.
Digital technologies are developing rapidly: soon people will communicate with holograms, not Skype. The Internet captures an endless stream of information, and sometimes the spouse wants to relax with video games. It is important to remember that there is no substitute for live communication, even if you are both crazy about video games. So that gadgets do not affect the relationship negatively, you need to agree on the time that you and your partner will spend alone without a smartphone in their hands: lunch, dinner, walk, watching a movie, an hour a day after work, and so on.
Working from home is no less annoying than round-the-clock video games. Overtime affects not only relationships, but also the psyche. The person becomes irritable, he may be disturbed by insomnia, and so on. Of course, no one wants to see such a sight at home. This also applies to permanent delays at work. At home, you need to distract from work and switch to spend time with loved ones and relax.
Irritating behavior, small things that become a reason for divorce, can be a reason for happiness in the family. Heroes of the Soviet film “Fall in Love at Own Will” demonstrated by their own example that relationships and love depend entirely on ourselves. We cannot demand love and care from our partner that we cannot give ourselves.

Seeing a lover every day is the kind of happiness that ends after marriage. Until recently, you walked hand in hand along the embankment, and now you live in a one-room apartment and can not spend a minute alone. It starts to get boring very quickly. It’s simple – there are no couples that are perfect for each other. This means that each person, whether married or not, has his own worldview, work, hobbies, which will necessarily differ from the life of a partner. And that must be respected.
On the other hand, we want a loved one to be involved in our lives as much as possible, to be interested in the same, to spend leisure time nearby. In the process of cohabitation, the true face of the partner is manifested: he either accepts us with all our shortcomings, or he fences off and accuses us of all our sins.

Everyone has good days and bad days. Sometimes conflicts arise because of a bad mood, and spouses begin to project aggression on each other when they can not cope with it. It is worse if the aggression is passive. When a person hides his feelings, he does not go into conflict openly, but implicitly hints that his partner is wrong. Playing in silence, insults, stubbornness lead to the fact that the spouses accumulate negative emotions in themselves. Only when a husband and wife openly admit to each other that they are not satisfied can a solution be found.

Peels Unfunny jokes Over a joke should laugh two. Otherwise, it's not a joke, it's an insult. Innocuous jokes lift the mood and can help relieve tension. But if it concerns the appearance, experience or behavior of the partner, it is better not to make such jokes. The same goes for criticizing your partner.

If love lives for 3 years, how do people manage to live in a marriage with one partner for decades? In marriage, romance evaporates. It is replaced by housework, raising children, fatigue. So people start cheating on each other, and it seems like it's time to get divorced. In fact, the romance women lack in marriage depends on themselves. For a husband to compliment and give flowers, you just need to remember what the relationship was before the wedding. What did each of you do to surprise or delight your loved one?
Walking together, going to a movie or a restaurant should be part of family life, at least occasionally. To think that the wife or husband will not go anywhere is the greatest mistake of spouses. There is no point in living with someone who does not take their partner seriously. When a person stops appreciating a relationship, it ends.

Digital technologies are developing rapidly: soon people will communicate with holograms, not Skype. The Internet captures an endless stream of information, and sometimes the spouse wants to relax with video games. It is important to remember that there is no substitute for live communication, even if you are both crazy about video games. So that gadgets do not affect the relationship negatively, you need to agree on the time that you and your partner will spend alone without a smartphone in their hands: lunch, dinner, walk, watching a movie, an hour a day after work, and so on.

Working from home is no less annoying than round-the-clock video games. Overtime affects not only relationships, but also the psyche. The person becomes irritable, he may be disturbed by insomnia, and so on. Of course, no one wants to see such a sight at home. This also applies to permanent delays at work. At home, you need to distract from work and switch to spend time with loved ones and relax.

Irritating behavior, small things that become a reason for divorce, can be a reason for happiness in the family. Heroes of the Soviet film “Fall in Love at Own Will” demonstrated by their own example that relationships and love depend entirely on ourselves. We cannot demand love and care from our partner that we cannot give ourselves.
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