Hands down when older children are abused

The number of years lived does not mean for loving parents that children have become adults. Subconsciously, mom and dad will always worry about their child, no matter how old he is. Be it a 14-year-old or a 45-year-old man. Children grow up too fast. Too much effort, energy, and resources have been invested in them. You can’t just let them go into a cruel world and not look after, not worry about their fate.

When a child reaches active age, he in most cases quickly realizes all responsibility for himself and for others. Only the older generation has a different opinion. At any time, no matter how many years have passed, parents will look for answers to many questions and in most cases will not be able to answer them on their own.

The most difficult thing is to start treating your child as an independent adult. Because of this, the relationship between parents and children deteriorates. It becomes difficult for them to find a common language, some adult children react aggressively to the invasion of their parents in their personal space, and others, on the contrary, sit on their necks for too long.

The family of an adult child is influenced by several factors: his family, his psychological state and priorities. All parents care about the well-being of their children. Someone is worried that the daughter is too early to get married, someone, on the contrary, cries that the daughter is over 40, and she still thinks only about work.

Experiences are the natural state of parents. The worst thing they can do is interfere with an adult’s privacy. Personal experience, wise advice, and the imposition of your own priorities will only distance the child from the parents. It is important to take into account the opinion of adult children, communicate with them on an equal footing and give the opportunity to step on their own rake.

Everyone knows that they don’t learn from other people’s mistakes, but every parent considers it their duty to protect their children from their own mistakes, and then their relationship collapses. Trust and respect are lost. Adult children must learn to take responsibility for their actions, to cope with life problems on their own. Psychologists warn that it will not be easy. Often parents come to complain to specialists about the aggressive behavior of the child, although this is just defending the personal opinion of a growing person.

Parents who provide for their child, tie him to themselves. Relying on parents, a child will not be motivated to find a job or a home of his or her own. On the one hand, material support is important at first, on the other hand, it generates a parasitic lifestyle of the beloved child. There are situations when the child is an adult, he has his own family and children. But parents still worry and try to change everything based on their own views. They bring packages of products, tell you what is better to spend money on, and what is better to save money on. Such an invasion will not be appreciated, and, most likely, relations will be spoiled.

When a child sits on the neck of his parents, gets used to living at someone else’s expense, he does not seek to get his own nest, and why? Mom cooks deliciously, the house is always cleaned, and you do not have to worry about paying bills. Meanwhile, in this case, you need to show care, reminding your child that he is already an adult who must take care of himself.

Why it's hard to let go When a child grows up, changes occur not only in his life, but also in the life of his parents. While children are young, it is the duty of parents to take care of and protect their child from all problems. When adult children start building a family, parents try to control all areas of their adult children’s lives. Adults are trying to be useful to them. Otherwise, older parents begin to suffer from loneliness and longing. Being a parent isn't easy. On the one hand, seeing a healthy child growing up, an independent child is a great happiness. On the other hand, endless experiences overwhelm the heart of the parent. Therefore, mothers often give unsolicited advice, because of which they remain misunderstood and rejected.

There will always be a gap between different generations. There will always be issues where parents and children disagree. The most important thing is to see in your child as early as possible the person, an adult who is responsible for his actions independently. It is important to realize in time that children have become adults. Treating a child as an equal means giving him the right to make a mistake. This means that you must take into account the opinion of the child, even if he is barely 5 years old. So parents educate their children in self-confidence, trust in their parents and respect for them.


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