Beautician showed how men need to take care of themselves to remain attractive
The concept of a well-groomed man is stretchable. One is enough to brush his teeth to feel like an alpha male, and the other needs to perfectly lay his eyebrows and even get a manicure before leaving the house. Ironically, women are more altruistic about this. Some say a man is well-groomed if he smells good. That's it, it's perfect. So what does a modern well-groomed man look like and is there a framework for male self-care?
The saying about male beauty like that a man should be no more beautiful than a monkey has sunk into oblivion. However, many representatives of the stronger sex are affected by stereotypical upbringing. Boys are now allowed to dye their hair green and use their mother’s shadows. But for many men, excessive attention to their appearance is a taboo. However, we cannot say that men take care of themselves less. They go to barbershops, do manicures and pedicures, strive to look presentable. Someone is stimulated to be a beautiful girl, someone is forced by status, but this does not mean that everyone else is groomed. Here's the list. What can, should and should not be ashamed to do with your appearance to a young manWho wants to be groomed.
A neat haircut and clean laid hair is beautiful. You can always see how a man treats himself when it comes to hair. A trip to the barbershop requires you to monitor the shape of the haircut, styling and visit the barber at least once a month. A greasy stack of hair has never attracted anyone.
Here, of course, everyone's business: what and how to cut. The main well-groomed areas can be considered ears without curly bushes inside, eyebrows that do not climb into the eyes, and a nose whose hairs do not intertwine with the mustache. The rest is a matter of taste. The face of a well-groomed man is either smoothly shaved or neatly trimmed. Trimmer is the best friend of bearded people, not a sin, by the way, and tame hair with wax for a beard. Some men believe that unshaven armpits are a sign of courage, and it is warm with them in winter. But since it is already body-positive, then it is necessary to monitor the smell.
Smells Women have a more acute sense of smell than men. This fact is scientifically proven. Any woman will feel whether a man is following personal hygiene or neglecting it. It is very important to wash every day. It is not necessary to use perfume, but if you use it, you should apply it on clean skin, and not mask the smell of sweat. Spirits have never coped with the task of camouflage, they produce the opposite effect. If there are problems with the smell of the feet, there are a lot of tools to solve: sprays, powders, fresheners for shoes, a dermatologist will not hurt. Sometimes the smell of the feet can talk about health problems, and if you can not solve this issue yourself, you need to consult a specialist. A clean body, deodorant and clean clothes are a set of well-groomed men.
Everyone's clothes are different. The main rule is that clothes should be clean and without through holes. Socks should be the same color and whole. And whether to choose the color of socks for a tie or wear jeans with a bike, this is a personal matter. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of shoes, many, without noticing it, pay attention to the shoes of the interlocutor at the first meeting. So if they're shoes, they're shiny. If the shoes are white, they should remain white.
Hygienic manicure is a healthy minimum when taking care of yourself. That is, the nails should be cut and not allow dirt to accumulate under them. If you do not disdain the nail salon, you can suddenly feel the procedures. A man with well-groomed hands causes sympathy. Some think wider and are not limited to clean nails, many celebrities have long painted nails with bright varnish.
Applying lip balm or face cream is like brushing your teeth. Skin care is important not only for appearance, but also for health. It is unlikely that a man will make homemade masks, but practice shows that many visit beauticians. These are usually public people who want to look perfect. At home, it is enough to use a gel for washing and a suitable skin type face cream.
Well-groomed men do not care how they look. Sports help to maintain the body in tone and be fit. It both lifts the mood and catches the admiring glances of women. Everyone takes care of themselves according to their abilities and desires. The main thing is to find a middle ground so that it is comfortable for yourself and others. How do you think a man should take care of himself?

The saying about male beauty like that a man should be no more beautiful than a monkey has sunk into oblivion. However, many representatives of the stronger sex are affected by stereotypical upbringing. Boys are now allowed to dye their hair green and use their mother’s shadows. But for many men, excessive attention to their appearance is a taboo. However, we cannot say that men take care of themselves less. They go to barbershops, do manicures and pedicures, strive to look presentable. Someone is stimulated to be a beautiful girl, someone is forced by status, but this does not mean that everyone else is groomed. Here's the list. What can, should and should not be ashamed to do with your appearance to a young manWho wants to be groomed.

A neat haircut and clean laid hair is beautiful. You can always see how a man treats himself when it comes to hair. A trip to the barbershop requires you to monitor the shape of the haircut, styling and visit the barber at least once a month. A greasy stack of hair has never attracted anyone.

Here, of course, everyone's business: what and how to cut. The main well-groomed areas can be considered ears without curly bushes inside, eyebrows that do not climb into the eyes, and a nose whose hairs do not intertwine with the mustache. The rest is a matter of taste. The face of a well-groomed man is either smoothly shaved or neatly trimmed. Trimmer is the best friend of bearded people, not a sin, by the way, and tame hair with wax for a beard. Some men believe that unshaven armpits are a sign of courage, and it is warm with them in winter. But since it is already body-positive, then it is necessary to monitor the smell.

Smells Women have a more acute sense of smell than men. This fact is scientifically proven. Any woman will feel whether a man is following personal hygiene or neglecting it. It is very important to wash every day. It is not necessary to use perfume, but if you use it, you should apply it on clean skin, and not mask the smell of sweat. Spirits have never coped with the task of camouflage, they produce the opposite effect. If there are problems with the smell of the feet, there are a lot of tools to solve: sprays, powders, fresheners for shoes, a dermatologist will not hurt. Sometimes the smell of the feet can talk about health problems, and if you can not solve this issue yourself, you need to consult a specialist. A clean body, deodorant and clean clothes are a set of well-groomed men.

Everyone's clothes are different. The main rule is that clothes should be clean and without through holes. Socks should be the same color and whole. And whether to choose the color of socks for a tie or wear jeans with a bike, this is a personal matter. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of shoes, many, without noticing it, pay attention to the shoes of the interlocutor at the first meeting. So if they're shoes, they're shiny. If the shoes are white, they should remain white.

Hygienic manicure is a healthy minimum when taking care of yourself. That is, the nails should be cut and not allow dirt to accumulate under them. If you do not disdain the nail salon, you can suddenly feel the procedures. A man with well-groomed hands causes sympathy. Some think wider and are not limited to clean nails, many celebrities have long painted nails with bright varnish.

Applying lip balm or face cream is like brushing your teeth. Skin care is important not only for appearance, but also for health. It is unlikely that a man will make homemade masks, but practice shows that many visit beauticians. These are usually public people who want to look perfect. At home, it is enough to use a gel for washing and a suitable skin type face cream.

Well-groomed men do not care how they look. Sports help to maintain the body in tone and be fit. It both lifts the mood and catches the admiring glances of women. Everyone takes care of themselves according to their abilities and desires. The main thing is to find a middle ground so that it is comfortable for yourself and others. How do you think a man should take care of himself?
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A worker bustles in the garden in the autumn, so that in the spring lilies, crocuses and tulips bloom unrestrainedly.