When exactly in February you need to sow seedlings of tomatoes to grow strong and strong
What does a real gardener do now? Preparing for spring and plant! Growing February seedlings has its own subtleties, especially when it comes to tomatoes. Proper seedlings of tomatoes appear 50-60 days after tomato seeds have been sown. In the meantime, let's talk about seeds.
Today's edition. "Site" I will tell you what days of February you need to seed Tomatoes to grow strong and strong. Time to get to work!
It is necessary to remember and always learn that February is a month only for those cultures that grow long, slow and late. They should have a very long growing season, so before your hand reaches for the soil, containers and seeds, make sure once again that the information on the seed packaging allows you to sow right now.
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Publication by Olga Kartavenkova (@olga_producerfh)
As a result, February crops can only be done by summer residents who have ideal greenhouses and greenhouses in stock, and they can only start growing in February. late-ripe tomatoes with a growing period of more than 100 days.
You can also sow peppers, which usually germinate for about 14 days, and after 65 days can go to the country lands. Or eggplant, which also will not rise earlier than 10 days and in about 70 should go to their plantations.
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Post from In the Swan Garden (@vogorodelebeda)
Planting tomatoes, but back to to tomatoes. They are thermophilic and long rise, so February is beautiful. plantable. Before sowing the seeds should be well soaked. This procedure will awaken them to grow and disinfect them.
Sow tomato seeds to a shallow depth of about 1 cm in wet ready soil and sprinkle a light layer of earth (0.5 cm). Then the containers with seedlings are sent to a sunny place.
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Posted by GAVRISH Nursery Alexin (@gavrish_pitomnik_aleksin)
Since winter is still outdoors and the weather is cloudy, for all February firstborns it is necessary to create favorable conditions: temperature, watering in the right amount, fertilizing during growth and the necessary access to light. Then a healthy and strong seedling will become a magnificent decoration of your window sills!
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Publication from Semyon Saplantsy in Russia (@gardenmart24.ru)
My favorites for landing in February - these are such varieties as Rio Grande, Cosmonaut Volkov, De Barao Giant, Rocket, Altai and the Reliable F1 hybrid.
By the way, the most favorable landing-day on the lunar calendar on February 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 22 and 23. But on the days of the new moon and full moon, that is, 1 and 16 February 2022, you should not plant seeds on seedlings.
I also suggest getting acquainted with the features of lighting for seedlings, so as not to spend extra money, but to get tenacious and powerful shoots. Tomatoes will need 15-17 hours a day, and pepper and eggplant will be enough and 11-13 hours of exposure.
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Publication by AGROCULT (@agrocult)
Comfortable conditions, proper care and watering, timely feeding should help you grow a healthy and healthy diet. seedling. Proper seedlings of tomatoes, that is, healthy and strong, will easily take root in the ground, to then endow the gardener with a generous harvest.
Do you have any favorites that you start every season?
Today's edition. "Site" I will tell you what days of February you need to seed Tomatoes to grow strong and strong. Time to get to work!

It is necessary to remember and always learn that February is a month only for those cultures that grow long, slow and late. They should have a very long growing season, so before your hand reaches for the soil, containers and seeds, make sure once again that the information on the seed packaging allows you to sow right now.
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Publication by Olga Kartavenkova (@olga_producerfh)
As a result, February crops can only be done by summer residents who have ideal greenhouses and greenhouses in stock, and they can only start growing in February. late-ripe tomatoes with a growing period of more than 100 days.
You can also sow peppers, which usually germinate for about 14 days, and after 65 days can go to the country lands. Or eggplant, which also will not rise earlier than 10 days and in about 70 should go to their plantations.
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Post from In the Swan Garden (@vogorodelebeda)
Planting tomatoes, but back to to tomatoes. They are thermophilic and long rise, so February is beautiful. plantable. Before sowing the seeds should be well soaked. This procedure will awaken them to grow and disinfect them.
Sow tomato seeds to a shallow depth of about 1 cm in wet ready soil and sprinkle a light layer of earth (0.5 cm). Then the containers with seedlings are sent to a sunny place.
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Posted by GAVRISH Nursery Alexin (@gavrish_pitomnik_aleksin)
Since winter is still outdoors and the weather is cloudy, for all February firstborns it is necessary to create favorable conditions: temperature, watering in the right amount, fertilizing during growth and the necessary access to light. Then a healthy and strong seedling will become a magnificent decoration of your window sills!
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Publication from Semyon Saplantsy in Russia (@gardenmart24.ru)
My favorites for landing in February - these are such varieties as Rio Grande, Cosmonaut Volkov, De Barao Giant, Rocket, Altai and the Reliable F1 hybrid.
By the way, the most favorable landing-day on the lunar calendar on February 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 22 and 23. But on the days of the new moon and full moon, that is, 1 and 16 February 2022, you should not plant seeds on seedlings.
I also suggest getting acquainted with the features of lighting for seedlings, so as not to spend extra money, but to get tenacious and powerful shoots. Tomatoes will need 15-17 hours a day, and pepper and eggplant will be enough and 11-13 hours of exposure.
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Publication by AGROCULT (@agrocult)
Comfortable conditions, proper care and watering, timely feeding should help you grow a healthy and healthy diet. seedling. Proper seedlings of tomatoes, that is, healthy and strong, will easily take root in the ground, to then endow the gardener with a generous harvest.
Do you have any favorites that you start every season?
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